How To Fix Valorant Error Code 57

Valorant Error Code 57 is a common problem that can happen for various reasons. But no worries! Here we will tackle this error and fix it step by step; it is very easy.
There are a few ways to fix this issue, we will lay them down below in order so you can attempt and see which one fixes the problem for you once and for all.
Method 1
The first way to tackle this error is by simply, restarting your PC. Sometimes, Vanguard struggles to start or does not boot up correctly as you launch your PC.
So, an easy solution would be to try restarting. If that does not fix the problem, continue on reading below.
Method 2
If you are running on an older version of Windows that can be the reason Vanguard is not booting up properly. Follow these steps to check for any new updates and install them if any:
Step 1
Press on the Windows Icon on your taskbar, then navigate to the settings gear icon.
Then, head over to the "Update & Security" tab in Windows settings.
Finally, press on the "Check For Updates" button, and wait a moment. Windows will check if there are any new updates that you haven't installed, and if there are any, they will show up to you and you can download/install them with one click.
If there aren't any updates or updating did not fix your issue, move to Method 3.
Method 3
Now we will try to verify game files to ensure your installation is proper, this fixes most problems related due to installations and corrupted game files.
Step 1
Navigate to Riot Client and open it. Focus on opening Riot Client, and not Valorant. Then, select that top right account icon.
Then, click on the "Settings" tab.
After that, click on the "Repair" button. This will start the process of checking and verifying game files, if there are any missing or corrupted files, it will be re-downloaded properly and this will fix your Vanguard issue.
Method 4
In this method, you will double check if the Vanguard Service is set to automatic, meaning it starts on its own or if something went wrong and you need to manually change it.
Step 1
Press on the Windows Key + R on your keyboard, or -alternatively- search "Run" in Windows Search and open it.
Step 2
Type "services.msc" and launch.
Step 3
Look for "vgc" which is typically a little down on the list.
Step 4
After you've found vgc, right click on it and navigate to "Properties"
Step 5
There, all you have to do is set the "Startup Type" from Manual to Automatic.
Method 5
This should be your final solution. If nothing else has worked, follow these steps:
Step 1
Open Control Panel and click on "Uninstall a programt" under Programs and Features.
Step 2
Find VALORANT, right click on it and press on Uninstall. Then, go to the official VALORANT site and install it. This should fix any issue you face with the game, you should only do that as a last resort.