The Best Sage Walls on Haven

Sage is one of the most useful and easy-to-play sentinels on Valorant.
On Haven, she is a very useful Agent, especially because of her wall, which allows her to make it safer for her allies to plant the spike, and also gain control of some areas of the map by closing some entrances.
You have multiple walls on Haven that can help you slow the enemy's rushes, gain control of the map, or just make it easier for your teammates to plant without being exposed.
Without further ado, let's see what Sage best walls on Haven are.
Sage Walls on Haven A Bombsite
Sage Heaven Wall
This wall completely blocks off heaven, making it safer for your allies to plant, and it's one less position they need to worry about.
Yes, the enemies can destroy the wall but it will buy you enough time for you to plant the bomb, and your team to assume good post-plant positions and set up crossfires.
Sage CT Wall
This wall makes it very hard for the enemies to enter the site and retake it. It closes out the main entrance to the A site for the defenders and is a very hard choke point for the defenders to clear.
If you block the CT entrance enemies will need to break the wall, and also wait for all the other pieces of utility from your team, and when they enter the bombsite they will have some very hard angles to clear.
That's what makes this wall very strong, it allows you to assume good post-plant positions.
Sage Short Wall
This wall will block one of the main entrances for the attackers into the bombsite. It will also allow you to boost into the boxes at short, playing from an angle most players will not be expecting.
It also buys your team some time to rotate over to help you in the A bombsite, and slower don't the execute from the enemy team.
As you can see it's very simple to use this wall, but if you want to boost into the boxes you need to be over it.
Sage Long Wall
Similar to the short wall, this one blocks the long entry which is the biggest and most used entry to the A bombsite. This makes it hard for the enemies to enter since entering from short is not easy since the position is a little bit of a choke point.
You can also boost yourself on the wall and either stay in the far left corner or stay on the boxes. But be careful, in the boxes you will be exposed to short, and enemy players will be able to see you there.
Sage Walls on Haven B Bombsite
Sage Entrance Wall
The most commonly used Sage wall on Haven. If you have played Valorant on Haven you have probably seen this wall multiple times.
It's an easy and effective wall, it blocks the only entrance to the B bombsite for the attackers, and allows Sage to help either on A or C if necessary.
Basically, you put this wall up and go help on A or C until the wall falls since this wall buys you a lot of time and information.
Sage Plant Wall
A good wall for planting on the B bombsite, since it blocks the enemy vision from one of the defender's entry into the B bombsite.
That way your team only was to worry about one of the entrances, and makes it easier for you to plant the spike.
Sage Walls on Haven C Bombsite
Sage Double Doors Wall
With this wall, you cover one of the entrances to the C site for the defenders, allowing a safer cross into the bombsite, and making it easier and safer for you to plant the Spike, and reposition.
Sage CT Wall
This wall blocks the main entrance to the C bombsite for the defenders and allows your team to assume advance post plant positions, with some great crossfire setups.
It makes it hard for the enemies to pass that choke points, and with the remaining utility from your team, you can make the defenders' retake attempt almost impossible.
If you want to know the best way to play Haven and how to find more success on the map we got you covered with our Haven Map Guide.
Learning all the callous in the map is also very important since Valorant is a game where communication is key, so be sure to read our Valorant Haven Map Callouts Guide.