Top 10 Best Simulators on Roblox

The Roblox platform has gained immense popularity due to the ability to create your own games. Users all over the world create projects of different genres in which other gamers then hang out. Some things become popular, and some don’t.
Of course, game creators cannot ignore such a genre as the simulator, and in this article, we have collected the best simulators in Roblox. Go!
1. War Simulator
- Creation date: May 20, 2020
- Developer: Calculated Studio
We begin our selection of simulators on Roblox with a military project, where the number of visits reaches more than two hundred million. There are plenty of military simulators in Roblox, but this game is different in that gamers can feel like real soldiers. Here, you have the opportunity to take part in an armed conflict of your choice.
The game also includes maps and weapons of a wide variety of stripes - from the First World War to the Second, from Vietnam to more modern conflicts. The creators did a good job of reproducing historical accuracy.
After you have managed to survive and kill a potential enemy, you will have a new task: to get to the enemy base. On the one hand, it may seem easy to do, but the bots are not that stupid in War Simulator, so you will have to use your brain. Throughout the passage, they will become smarter.
2. Bee swarm simulator
- Creation date: March 21, 2018
- Developer: Onett
Next in our selection is a bee swarm simulator. If you are not impressed by the title and idea, do not scroll through the simulator prematurely. This game is not as boring as it might seem at first glance because it’s not for nothing that it has been played almost two and a half billion times in just 5 years.
As you already understand, you need to raise your swarm of bees so that they make honey, which can later be sold. The idea of the game does not end there, because you also have to complete quests from bears and receive rewards for them. You will also be able to explore the mountains, which is only possible when your hive is large.
Striped friends will even protect you from various monsters. Moreover, you can breed different types of bees, which will open up as you progress. But remember: insects have their own personality and even character, so you will encounter many surprises. If you want to diversify the gameplay, you can go in search of treasure.
3. Tower defense simulator
- Creation date: June 5, 2019
- Developer: Paradoxum Games
This simulator is suitable for those who love tower defense games. A portal will appear in the game, located at a distant distance, from where a lot of evil spirits will begin to crawl out. They will seek to destroy not only you but the entire world.
Here, you need to be able to play as a team because only together will the players be able to defeat their opponents and reach the end. By beating wave after wave, you will even earn coins and increase your level. As the level increases, new barricades will open, which are necessary for protection and survival.
The simulator may seem difficult at the start since you will only have a few towers. But once you can master this, the difficulty will change so that you can earn decent rewards for killing monsters and bosses. In the Tower defense simulator, visits reached almost three billion, which means the project is truly worthy of attention.
4. Natural disaster survival
- Date of creation: March 28, 2008
- Developer: Stickmasterluke
We move on to a survival simulator. This project was created back in 2008 but is still popular and updated. There are plenty of games like this, but this one stands out among the rest.
In it, you will not kill crowds of zombies or other opponents but will actually find ways to survive. For example, during a natural disaster. It could be an earthquake or a volcanic eruption. Moreover, natural disasters happen on different maps, so the player needs to be able to adapt quickly. It is not the one who is stronger and survives but the one who knows how to adapt.
To make survival easier, you can play not solo but in the company of friends who can help at any moment. Explore the locations together, of which there are many, escape, and travel.
5. Animal simulator
- Creation date: September 20, 2020
- Developer : ragnar9878
For those who like to play as animals, an Animal simulator was created in Roblox. Now, you can become a predator or a harmless herbivorous creature. You can build a home, hunt and fight with competitors for territory, and explore the vast world.
A wide selection of animals awaits you for which you can play. Each animal has its own character, characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. The simulator even allows you to play as a person and use weapons.
You will receive experience for battles against other users, for which your character's health and power will increase. Upon reaching level 30, gamers will have the opportunity to make packages to play in a team. With the help of packages, you can choose a name and invite a player to a party. Bosses will add spice to the gameplay. There are only two of them: the griffin and the lava boss. For them, you will receive generous experience, as well as a reward.
6. Strongman simulator
- Creation date: May 4, 2021
- Developer: The Gang Stockholm
Do you want to feel strong and invincible? Then the Strongman simulator is definitely for you because you will play as a powerful person. The number of visits to this simulator is more than one billion, which means you are not alone in your desire.
Here, you have to train a lot and become stronger and stronger by performing certain physical exercises in the arena. For example, lifting weights, running on a track, or completing an entire obstacle course. Just the description alone can make you suffocate with fatigue. The further you progress, the more items become available to you.
For excitement, the game includes various competitions and events where you can show off all your accumulated power. You can play alone or in a team so that you can all beat up your opponents. You will also have a kind of currency, which is made in the form of energy. You can use it to buy items and equipment and customize your own avatar.
7. Laundry Simulator
- Creation date: January 27, 2021
- Developer: Dev House UK
In this game, you need to buy a laundromat where you have to compete with other users for the biggest laundry machine. Roblox knows how to surprise with unusual gameplay. However, over time, your washing machine will still increase in size, and you can stuff your friends into it.
Also, you need to earn money, but before that, choose a site to start the game. Visitors will come to you, place clothes on a circular conveyor, and you can pick them up and put them in a basket. It needs to be refilled until the end in order to start the wash. You will only receive money when you place clean clothes in the laundry chute.
This project was created for a relaxing time when you want to do something routine and not think about anything too much.
8. Work at a Pizza Place
- Date of creation: March 28, 2008
- Developer: Dued1
One of the most popular simulators, the number of visits to which has already exceeded 4 and a half billion! And although the project is old, it has a stable online where you can meet a huge number of players. Updates are also still being released.
As you might have guessed, the game is dedicated to a pizzeria, where you can work as a cashier, cook, courier, and so on. Gamers control everything here, from the delivery of products to delivery to the client.
The project is quite lively, not only because of the online presence but also because of the frequent events and events that are not boring to go through. But if you want to do something else, then you can use the money you earn to equip your own home or expand it. Essentially, this is a kind of life simulator, but the emphasis here is more on business and delicious pizza.
9. Mega Noob Simulator
- Creation date: December 25, 2019
- Developer: thunder1222 Productions
Let's move on to one of the funniest simulators in Roblox, where you need to kill small, insignificant people in order, oddly enough, to improve your game statistics. Not every game can boast that it rewards gamers for evil deeds.
Accumulating stats make your character big and wide as you progress from noob to master. If you want to cheer yourself up and enjoy the madness, then Mega Noob Simulator is definitely for you.
You also need to purchase upgrades to climb the career ladder. To do this, you will need to earn coins to buy increased power, weapons, and even pets that will not lag behind you a single step. After the next defeated boss, you will find yourself in a new zone where the enemies will be stronger. If it seems to you that few people play this game, then you should look at the number of visits - more than five hundred million.
10. Jailbreak
- Creation date: January 6, 2017
- Developed by: Badimo
Our selection closes with a mega-popular project called Jailbreak, the number of visits of which has reached 6.5 billion. In fact, this is not really a simulator because the game is somewhat reminiscent of GTA. You will play in the open world as either a criminal or a policeman.
If you decide to be a bad guy, then you first need to escape from prison. To do this, the player will be presented with several options at once. For example, detonate dynamite. Epic and spectacular.
Once you are free, a world of opportunities will open up to you. But since you are a criminal, you will engage in dirty deeds, for example, robbing a store or bank. If you gather as a team, completing the quest will be much easier. In essence, it turns out to be a kind of bandit simulator. If you decide to take the light side, then you, as a cop, will have to catch robbers.
The game features a variety of cars, planes, helicopters, and ships. The map is extensive and not boring. Finding new areas to carry out a robbery will be exciting.
This concludes our top 10 simulation games on Roblox. We have presented a wide variety of projects so that you have an interesting choice. Some people want to play as an animal, while others will want to play as a criminal. One way or another, all the games in the selection are worthy of your attention.