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Best Breach Flashes And Stuns For Bind

Best Breach Flashes And Stuns For Bind
Written by: Wei

As a high-impact initiator, Breach, with his suite of seismic abilities, can single-handedly turn the tide of any round. However, the true potential of this earth-shattering agent lies not just in understanding his abilities but in applying them in the most strategic and devastating ways possible. In this article, we'll delve into how to maximize the effectiveness of Breach's stuns and flashes on the map Bind, exploring various strategies, best practices, and situational tips to help you overwhelm the enemy, disrupt their tactics, and secure victory for your team.




Breach Stuns


The fault line ability which is otherwise known as “Stun” is one of the most overpowered pieces of utility that you can use to shift the outcome of any round. Using it at the right time and place makes an unimaginable difference as to how the games will be played. In this section, we will demonstrate the best stuns you can use for both attacking and defensive halves:


What Does It Cover: This stun on A will hit anyone playing on A short even further back to A lobby. The only exception is the 2 sides at which attackers can stay in during the buy phase and after.

When To Use It: Best used as a mechanic to stop any incoming fast execute from A short, as this stun will disable any enemy playing on short making it great for stopping pushes as a defender.

What Makes It Good: What sets it apart is the fact that any enemy playing on Short will be affected and that will enable you to gain kills or forcefully stop any push. 


To do it, come from Lamps and aim your stun just like in the picture. And then shoot it accordingly.


What Does It Cover: Alternatively on A attacking side this stun will hit the entire cubby to lamps area. It will not cover close right or any spot towards site.

When To Use It: Best used right before you execute A site into lamps, that is if you were planning to take control of that area. If you have any duelists willing to satchel or dash in to take that space, this will be the perfect stun for such plays.

What Makes It Good: This stun will hit anyone playing lamps by surprise as it disables them completely and makes them a free kill for whoever is pushing after. 


Simply come to this spot on A lobby and aim your stun as such. 


What Does It Cover: This stun will hit anyone playing towards elbow on B site. Although if they are deep into elbow that will not be the case, it is most likely that you will not find enemies that deep.

When To Use It: Best used as a B execute when you are planning to take control of B elbow. All you need to do is smoke deeper into Elbow and take control of that space or just simply push through the smoke.

What Makes It Good: There is always a player around that area where the stun hits giving you a guaranteed pick everytime you play off it. 


Simply come to B long next to the teleporter and aim your stun down towards elbow. 


What Does It Cover: This stun will hit anyone playing Hookah with little to know exceptions such as the boxes on the right which will expose anyone there anyway.

When To Use It: Best used if enemies have established heavy presence towards Hookah or even plan to push through it as this stun disables them completely from proceeding.

What Makes It Good: The fact that it has a 100% chance of disabling any push toward Hookah makes it a golden stun.


Simply aim your stun towards Hookhah from back site or even from tube and activate it accordingly.

Breach Flashes


Breach’s flashpoint is what made him a popular agent, as we all remember the days we could not help but see the sun and get picked as this agent dominated with his abilities. Here you will find the best spots where you can use breach flashes to hopefully maximize the chances that everyone on that sight is blind. This will be for both attacking and defensive halves: 


What Does It Cover: This flash will blind anyone playing back site on A. That mainly means anyone out of lamps or CT, or even towards heaven. It will not blind anyone around the dices area.

When To Use It: Best used if you are planning to take control of back site either from lamps or just through site.

What Makes It Good: This flash enables your teammates to get free kills as they enter right after you have used it. 


Come over to A short and aim your flash through truck just like in the picture. 


What Does It Cover: This flash on B will blind anyone under hookah, CT, peeking from back site or even elbow.

When To Use It: Exploding out of Hookah into site can be quite challenging, with this flash you will have a much easier time. So next time you’re on the verge of jumping out to site, make sure to use this flash.

What Makes It Good: Not only will you have an easier time but you will also be able to possibly gain free kills as this flash covers many different areas on site. 


To do it come over to this corner on Hookah and aim your flash that high on the edge of the window. This makes it possible to flash players on back site as well. 


What Does It Cover: This flash will blind anyone playing on B long, fountain or from CT.

When To Use It: As a defender, sometimes you need to aggress and take control of B long and if that’s your plan this flash will be a golden choice for you.

What Makes It Good: It will be a hard to dodge flash making it easier for to get free kills as you push.


Simply come over to B long and flash through this corner. You can always adjust the height of it to surprise enemies, but never too low as that will not get past the fountain. 

Pro Tips 


  • Breach flashes have a projectile speed set to it, so for example if you are to flash through a long distance that will make your flash take more time before it arrives to the wall and goes through it, making it easier for the enemy to dodge. So always account for the distance before flashing.

  • To get the full benefit from playing breach, make sure to combine his utility to clear out different angles as stuns and flashes isolate areas while you can use Aftershocks to also hit enemies that might be tucked in sneaky corners.

  • Don’t forget to fully charge your stun as it affects to what distance it extends to, of course if you don’t need it to go far you can instantly do it for the purpose of doing it quicker.

  • Always use your minimap as a reference to where your stun or set ability is going as it’s the only indicator when there are obstacles such as walls and so on. 
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