The Best Wallbang Spots For Split

Whether you're a casual player or an aspiring pro, every Valorant player is in a constant hunt for the edge that turns defeat into victory. In the dynamic, fast-paced, and strategic world of Riot Games' hit tactical shooter, knowledge is your most potent weapon. Knowing where to aim, where to plant the spike, and how to best use each agent's abilities can be the difference between clutching a win and facing a crushing defeat.
However, one aspect of Valorant that can truly separate the good from the great is mastering the art of Wallbangs. This tactic, which refers to shooting through penetrable surfaces to hit enemies hiding on the other side, can catch opponents off guard and turn the tide of a battle. In this article, we're going to guide you through the best wallbang spots in Valorant, arming you with the knowledge that can boost your tactical prowess and leave your enemies wondering, "How did they do that?"
We will take a dive into the world of Valorant and uncover the hidden secrets that lie behind its destructible walls. Here you will find the best spots to wall bang on the map Split.
Wall Bang Spots
Now before we head and reveal the secret spots on this map that even you may have not thought about, pay attention to the details provided as we will talk through the penetration levels and what usage each spot is good or best used for. Mind you, we will take a look at a diverse variety as there will be attacking, defending and even post plant set ups. Let’s get right into it:
Attack - A Heaven
What Does It Cover: This wall bang spot is very known, even though it is through a thick wooden box it still deals a lot of damage to anyone standing behind it towards Screens / CT on A Heaven.
When To Use It: Best used when you are taking control of A heaven, usually defenders will fight you for that space and contest to ensure you don’t get map control and earn advantage, that is why spamming this spot will always reward you even if it’s just with damage.
What Makes It Special: This wallbang might not be the most unique, but it will always add a lot of pressure on enemies playing around that area giving you the upper hand taking aggressive fights.
Penetration Level: Medium To High
Retake - A Site

What Does It Cover: Screens wallbang, who doesn’t know about it. Anyone standing behind this screens box will suffer if you start spamming through as it is a tight area and not much room to dodge or escape spams.
When To Use It: This is an essential spam spot everytime you retake A site, it can be very rewarding and sometimes round changing.
What Makes It Special: It is the most commonly used wall bang spot for a reason, adding a lot of pressure and dealing damage is always a priority.
Penetration Level: Medium To High
Retake - A Screens

What Does It Cover: This spot is very unique as it spams anyone hiding in the corner of CT where players usually tuck themselves to earn numbers advantage or make an aggressive play.
When To Use It: Best used as you retake A Screens, clearing this corner might just be the reason you won a round if you earn a free kill there.
What Makes It Special: Any enemy standing in that corner will not expect you to clear them with a wall bang, as such, this will give you the advantage.
Penetration Level: High
Defense - Mid
What Does It Cover: This wall bang spot is very generic as it hits anyone playing on Market, middle.
When To Use It: Best used to spam the ratty corners that are usually played there.
What Makes It Special: Often times, enemies will expect you to peek them if you are pushing deep to take fights as such, using this wallbang will ensure a surprising factor.
Penetration Level: Medium To High
Defense - Mid 2
What Does It Cover: Another well-known commonly used wall bang spot on Mid where you can shoot through the giant wooden box to hit anyone playing towards sewers.
When To Use It: Best used as an attempt to get free kills at the start of the round. You can always pair it with a Sova dart or fade reveal to get more accurate wall bangs.
What Makes It Special: You can very safely hit anyone on mid without peeking market, making it worth it as it’s not a risky play.
Penetration Level: Medium To High
Attack - B Site
What Does It Cover: Another wooden box, another wall bang on B site hitting back site completely.
When To Use It: Best used as you try to entry B site on the attacking half.
What Makes It Special: Most Sentinel players or site holders will hide there making it extremely efficient to spam it.
Penetration Level: Medium To High
Pro Tips
- Each Wall Bang location has a specific penetration level. There are 3 types of that, Light, Medium, and Strong penetration guns that are able to break through different walls. For example, the sheriff and odin count as strong penetration weapons while the Vandal is a medium penetration weapon. Keeping that in mind helps you know when to use it and where.
- By looking at the wall, you can tell if your bullets are going through it or not. If the wall is penetrated by your bullets it will create a hole with an obvious remark that it went through. If not, there will be more like a “dent” on the wall and your bullets would have clearly not reached the other side.
- If you are worried about not having the right gun for a specific wall bang you are looking to perform, with a good economy you can keep a sheriff as your pistol which will save you in situations where you only have a Vandal or a Phantom.
- A good way to ensure you do not miss your shots through wall bangs is to ping the spot you are aiming to hit on the minimap. This will create a visual ping in front of you too which can guide you where to shoot if you forget the exact spot.
- Don’t hesitate to ask for utility from teammates or even better, play agents that can hold abilities to help you. A popular pick would be Sova as he can have set reveals for each wall bang spot essentially helping you get even more guaranteed kills with these locations.