What does NS, GG, GH and AFK mean in Valorant?

These terms players use very often. They help to give a quick and clear assessment of the situation that occurred in the round or in the whole game.
What does "NS" mean in VALORANT?
The term "NS" stands for "Nice Shot", it's used when someone kills an enemy with a very well-placed single shot or by performing some amazing flick. It is not rare for a player from the opposite team to say "NS" after being killed by a talented player. Always, this term acts, on the positive side, increases game morality.
What does "GG" mean in VALORANT?
The term "GG" is often seen as a colloquial term that means "Good game". After a game has finished, it is common for both teams to say "GG" as a sign of respect. This means that no matter if they won or lost, it was an enjoyable game, that both teams played well, and they should be proud of their performance.
The term "GG" can also have a more negative meaning, if it's said in the middle of the game (before the game finishes) it can mean that there is already an obvious winner in the match and the other team has no hope.
What does "GH" mean in VALORANT?
The term "GH" stands for "Good Half", this is used in various fields of competitive esports, especially in team games, such as Valorant or CS:GO. The expression most often refers to the end of the first half in a contest. It's a sportsmanship thing, it's meant to stay positive and respectful to the opposite team.
What does "AFK" mean in VALORANT?
The term "AFK" stands for "Away From Keyboard". It means that player left his gaming place, and not available now. In the game, people using afk as an information that one of the players away from keyboard.
It also stands for "A Free Kill" since he just stands in one position and can be easily killed by any enemy.
If you want to know about another Valorant terms, take a look at our article What does NT, WP, GL and HF mean in Valorant?