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How to Fix Game Connection Loss With Valorant Port Forwarding

How to Fix Game Connection Loss With Valorant Port Forwarding
Written by: Hamza551

If you are having issues connecting to Valorant because of your Internet connection! Make sure you are aware of port forwarding. You can virtually eliminate your internet issues through port forwarding.


Valorant is a fun way to enjoy the relaxation and fun of being with your friends, but sometimes challenges may arise. If you're having problems with your game on your home internet, it may be because your router is blocking. If you're looking to get more out of gaming, make sure you forward ports so you can play without any lags! There are plenty of ways to do this, but we are posting the most accessible guide so you can change your ports on your own.



Port forwarding - Is It Useful For Gaming?


Port forwarding is an excellent way to speed up your network. Rather than making multiple hops, the data travels directly to its destination. When you set up port forwarding correctly, you'll see a massive difference in how long it takes your packets to get through to their destinations.




  • Good Ping 
  • Fewer Network Lags
  • Better Gaming Experience



What Is The Best Way To Do Port Forwarding In Valorant


Riot Games have posted the Ports for Valorant on their official website; players have to copy those ports and past them into their router or windows firewall settings.


Here are the TCP AND UDP Ports For Port Forwarding


Service Name

Protocol/Service Type

Port Range

VALORANT Game ClientUDP7000 - 8000
8180 - 8181
Riot VanguardTCP8443
Installer and MasterTCP8393 - 8400
HTTP connectionsTCP80
HTTPS connectionsTCP443
Spectator ModeTCP/UDP8088





  • TCP: 2099, 5222-5223, 8088, 8393-8400
  • UDP: 7000-7500, 8088


You can also use this method to connect to valorant servers or any online game server you might be playing. So, without further explanation, let's begin.


You can see how port forwarding works for games here when You predefine a path to the gaming server to avoid your connection looking for the route. In this regard, port forwarding is the way to go when it comes to improving performance.







  • Open Windows Defender firewall.
  • Go to Advanced Settings
  • You will see different options 
  • Click on the Inbound Rules and Make New Rules for TCP ports
  • Check the Port option and hit next





  • Write “2099” in specific local ports and hit next.




Again do the same process for UDP ports Select UDP and uncheck TCP instead.


For UDP, write “7000-7500.”


Don’t change anything. If you don’t know what you are doing in the windows defender settings, you may end up disabling different windows settings.


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