The Best Wallbang Spots For Fracture

Whether you're a casual player or an aspiring pro, every Valorant player is in a constant hunt for the edge that turns defeat into victory. In the dynamic, fast-paced, and strategic world of Riot Games' hit tactical shooter, knowledge is your most potent weapon. Knowing where to aim, where to plant the spike, and how to best use each agent's abilities can be the difference between clutching a win and facing a crushing defeat.
However, one aspect of Valorant that can truly separate the good from the great is mastering the art of Wallbangs. This tactic, which refers to shooting through penetrable surfaces to hit enemies hiding on the other side, can catch opponents off guard and turn the tide of a battle. In this article, we're going to guide you through the best wallbang spots in Valorant, arming you with the knowledge that can boost your tactical prowess and leave your enemies wondering, "How did they do that?"
We will take a dive into the world of Valorant and uncover the hidden secrets that lie behind its destructible walls. Here you will find the best spots to wall bang on the map Fracture.
Now before we head and reveal the secret spots on this map that even you may have not thought about, pay attention to the details provided as we will talk through the penetration levels and what usage each spot is good or best used for. Mind you, we will take a look at a diverse variety as there will be attacking, defending and even post plant set ups. Let’s get right into it:
Attack A Site Dish
What Does It Cover: This is a very commonly known wall bang spot and it is nothing too new, however, you might forget that it works as said way. This spot will hit anyone standing behind the satellite on dish, drop. You can wall bang through the entire metalic satellite.
When To Use It: Best used when you know an enemy is holding you behind that area, whether you have seen them peek or would want to deal damage / bait them to peek you by shooting through.
What Makes It Special: It is a very narrow space so if anyone is peeking or hiding around that are you are almost guaranteed to land a hit on them, with a very high success rate you have no reason to avoid it.
Penetration Level: Light To High (All weapons)
What Does It Cover: While you may have known and used this spot before, here you will find where exactly to aim to get free kills. In this exact spot, you will often catch anyone running through A main to A site. With this aimed at head level, it is easy to operate.
When To Use It: Best used whenever you suspect enemies are crossing over from the sands door to close A main in an attempt of executing A site.
What Makes It Special: Getting free kills in your next ranked match is something you definitely will not turn down, which is why you will use this specific lineup spot to frustrate your enemies.
Penetration Level: Light To High
What Does It Cover: It can be very frustrating to play against an operator or aggressive defender on A main. While usually breach stuns solve that, you can aim right at that spot of the box to shoot anyone standing there, that dink will leave them helpless.
When To Use It: Anytime you execute A site, it is optimal to clear the peeker with that wallbang spot.
What Makes It Special: Aside from how easy it is to get kills through simply shooting there, it will place a lot of pressure preventing the aggression.
Penetration Level: Medium To High
B Site
What Does It Cover: This wall bang spot will hit anyone on Tower. But that is, anyone standing inside of and hiding.
When To Use It: Best used when you take B site and haven’t cleared tower yet, or, if you know someone is there and you back track them to this spot. Use it as it’s unexpected.
What Makes It Special: It is very uncommon for someone to use this spot so it will definitely catch enemies off guard.
Penetration Level: High
What Does It Cover: This is not just 1 wall bang spot but rather a very generic rule where all boxes as in the picture are shoot through. That in B site, would be on Canteen, Site and Generator.
When To Use It: Anytime you are on B site and suspect an enemy to be in a certain spot out of these 3, feel free to spam your shots and pray to hit one.
What Makes It Special: It is very commonly used as it can deal a lot of damage and earn unexpected kills.
Penetration Level: Medium To High
What Does It Cover: Covering a very specific spot on a hideout that is on CT spawn arcade side, you will be able to clear this corner if you are pushing out of dish.
When To Use It: Best used if you are pushing out of dish to arcade or B site and expect an enemy to be hiding there.
What Makes It Special: Any enemy hiding on this spot will never see it coming as they will plan to surprise you and getting shot through will not be on their list of expectations.
Penetration Level: Medium To High
Pro Tips
- Each Wall Bang location has a specific penetration level. There are 3 types of that, Light, Medium, and Strong penetration guns that are able to break through different walls. For example, the sheriff and odin count as strong penetration weapons while the Vandal is a medium penetration weapon. Keeping that in mind helps you know when to use it and where.
- By looking at the wall, you can tell if your bullets are going through it or not. If the wall is penetrated by your bullets it will create a hole with an obvious remark that it went through. If not, there will be more like a “dent” on the wall and your bullets would have clearly not reached the other side.
- If you are worried about not having the right gun for a specific wall bang you are looking to perform, with a good economy you can keep a sheriff as your pistol which will save you in situations where you only have a Vandal or a Phantom.
- A good way to ensure you do not miss your shots through wall bangs is to ping the spot you are aiming to hit on the minimap. This will create a visual ping in front of you too which can guide you where to shoot if you forget the exact spot.
- Don’t hesitate to ask for utility from teammates or even better, play agents that can hold abilities to help you. A popular pick would be Sova as he can have set reveals for each wall bang spot essentially helping you get even more guaranteed kills with these locations.