Best Way To Play Tejo On abyss

Here you will find everything you need to know about how to utilize Tejo’s abilities to the best extent possible. While Tejo is relatively new, there are many ways to achieve creative plays. We will take you through a guide of some of the better usages for Tejo’s abilities on Abyss:
Attacking Side
A Site
Usage: Abyss is by default a very large map, so you have to expect that your abilities will not cover most spots on site like other maps we’ve shown guides for. But that doesn’t mean you cannot do well, in fact, you can do really well with Tejo on Abyss. On A, placing your missiles on back site with a bounced stun to close left or right can go a long way.
B Site
Usage: On B, you can place your missiles (under) back site. This is because this would be the default hideout for a Sentinel player, so you can easily navigate site without having to worry about someone peeking you from there. Also is a good idea if Cypher was playing on site, as this will disturb them from playing for their trips.
Usage: Well well well, if you’re going for a Mid push there’s a very easy way to get a free kill. Preferably have your teammates with you and strike these positions with the missiles and stun. Especially if the enemy has a Clove, you will most likely find them playing there as this is a position they can smoke both sites from.
Defending Side
A Site
Usage: Defending A might seem tricky, and often challenging, but it’s really not. The key is to place pressure early in the round to force attackers to use abilities to get through, then they don’t really have much to go on to site with. So with this setup, you ensure to deal damage and possibly kill enemies, all while displacing anyone who doesn’t take damage. Talk about a dismantle.
B Site
Usage: Over to B site, you don’t have much to do except aggressing. If you sit back, enemies will walk up on you and most likely push you on CT which will make it very hard to retake. So a good idea is to place your missiles on B main, and stun on the jump around. This will make it very hard for anyone to come through.
A Site
Usage: Remember what we said about being aggressive when you’re defending? Well, imagine if you could use your ultimate just like in the picture, while there are many people on A main. Well, that’s one way to get free kills. Just make sure your ultimate is directed from behind enemies, so it can actually sandwich them in.
B Site

Usage: On B, it’s more or less the same. You have a narrow B main walkway, which you can use to ult enemies and ensure easy kills. If you are attacking, you can prioritize back site or heaven if you know enemies are there, and that is also free kills. Use it wisely! (Or don’t)
- When using your stun ability, you can send it off with a “Right Click” instead of a left click to make it bounce one time. If you left click it, it’ll explode upon first hit.
- Your missiles take quite some time to activate, so always be aware when using them if an enemy will peek you instead of running away.
- Your ultimate’s direction can be adjusted however you like. Don’t stick to one format, get creative to get the most out of it.