The Best Fade Lineups on Haven

Fade is a unique and effective initiator in VALORANT. Although this agent appeared in VALORANT not so long ago, he has already earned a place in competitive matches. Haven is one of the maps where Fade feels good. Here you will find the best Fade lineups for Haven.
A Retake
This lineup helps you to retake A site on Haven. You need to stay in front of the box, aim like on the screenshot, and click "jumpthrow".
The lineup lands on the top of the corner and reveals almost all Site and Short.
С Retake
This lineup helps you to retake the C site on HavenYou need to stay in front of the box, aim like on the screenshot, and click "jumpthrow".
Like on A Site, the lineup lands on the top of the corner and reveals the site.
A Site
To reveal the A Site, you need to come to mid of Long A. Then stand in front of the box, aim like on the screenshot, and click "jumpthrow".
The lineup lands on the roof and reveals most of the corners and Short.
You should use this lineup if you don't have Prowler to reveal the garage on Haven. Come close the garage doors, aim like on the screenshot and throw.
The lineup is ideal and reveals the whole garage.
C Site
To reveal the C Site, you need to come to C Long, stand in the corner, and aim like on the screenshot. Then walk a bit and jumpthrow.
The reveal lands on the roof and gives information about enemies in close positions.