VALORANT Omen Smokes on Lotus - Best Smokes and Strategies

Omen is known for his versatile abilities and the ability to control and obscure vision on the battlefield.
Lotus is the newest map in VALORANT, requiring precise aim and effective strategy to dominate. In this article, we will delve into Omen's abilities and showcase the best smokes for each key location on Lotus. Whether you're a veteran player or just starting out, this guide will provide you with the tools to become a master of Lotus with Omen. Get ready to take your gameplay to the next level!
Setups - Attack
Think for a second about the role you are playing. The name “Controller” implies that you, are in the position to actually take control of the overall route and outcome of the game. Therefore, you really need to be aware of what you are doing as your “control” of the outcome can turn out negative too.
Of course this doesn’t mean that it’s all your fault, but it gives you a sense of how important you are as a controller on the attacking side. Here are the best setups that you can use with Omen on Lotus Attack:
A Default

Attacking A In lotus can get fairly complicated. For that, you will need to have a setup & pathway you follow. In our opinion we think the best way to execute A site is by smoking the Early peek from defender’s CT and either the DROP on site or Heaven.
A Fast

This is the second example where you smoke Heaven instead of drop. However, there are two ways to get into A site. Either by crossing CT which you smoked for safer pathway or the rotating door. We think the rotating door is a dangerous area but it is important enough for you to attempt to take control of it.
B Plant

B site is a compact and tight space, taking control of it is fairly easy but on the contrary playing against the defender's retake is very difficult. This is why you place your smokes like so, preventing defenders from gaining any advantages such as number advantage is very important.
C Post Plant

There are 2 ways to attack C on Lotus. This is the first and most basic, best suited for post plant scenarios. Smoke both CT and waterfall link and then proceed to plant on default then retreat to your postplant position.
C Control

If you don’t plan on playing a post plant scenario on C site, then you better be taking more control. Please be aware that you are not meant to push on both openings, but this is an example of deep smokes that can give you more space to fight for more control and therefore, more time.
Setups - Defense
Now moving on to the defensive side where things can get harder with overwhelming enemies but rest assured, with these next blind & smoke setups you will be able to take over and make your way into victory with ease. Here are the setups:
A Aggressive

It is said that the best form of defense is offense. And so, here’s a way to aggressively fight off for the entirety of A space. This scenario is best done as displayed, with a teammate that potentially has flash abilities. With a blind, both smokes for control and a blind out of the smoke you might even be able to peek into their spawn.
A Passive

Or you can take things slow and simple, smoking both of their entrances into site and holding a blind ready for then they walk through your smoke.
B Cross

While B is very compact and hard to defend, It’s still worth it to place a smoke and prepare a blind especially around this spot. With a teammate, you can play crossfire around the wooden box which can lend you a huge advantage.
B Aggressive

If you are not willing to settle for the square given to you by default, then you can push your enemy’s territory and show them who is the attacker.
C Passive

Typically, attackers will approach C from the main chokepoint which is very easy to smoke and play against. With this paranoia and smoke setup, you can easily set up a teammate for more than 2 kills rest assured.
C Aggressive

Sometimes enemies are too slow which makes playing for more space and control of the map more rewarding and less risky, if that is the case then make sure your smoke looks like this before trying to walk up and take any space on C lobby.