The Best Brimstone Molly Lineups On Lotus

Brimstone Lineup Mollies have become a staple in the arsenal of experienced players, capable of turning the tide of a match with their explosive impact. These molotov cocktails are not merely random fireballs; they are precise tools of destruction, meticulously placed to trap enemies, deny access to key areas, and force opponents into disadvantageous positions.
As we delve into the intricacies of the Brimstone Lineup Mollies, we will explore their strategic applications, uncovering the hidden depths of their utility and analyzing how they can be employed to dismantle the opposition's defenses. Whether you're a seasoned veteran looking to refine your Brimstone play or a newcomer eager to learn the secrets behind this potent ability, this article aims to provide valuable insights that will elevate your gameplay to new heights.
From locking down bomb sites to defending crucial chokepoints, Brimstone's molotovs can be the difference between victory and defeat. We will take an in-depth look at specific Lineup Mollies on Lotus highlighting the key angles and placements that maximize their impact.
Brimstone Post Plant Mollies
Post plant scenarios are the lead and meta play on a map like Lotus. Often times, you will need to have set a play where you plant the spike and go back as retaking is often rewarded with advantageous features on this map. However, if you use these lineup that we will demonstrate to you it will elevate your gameplay and ensure you the highest chances of winning any post plant scenario you may encounter next. Follow up to know how you can stop anyone from defusing as a Brimstone:
This first lineup on A site will hit the default planting spot and ensure to take off anyone trying to defuse it. It’ll need you to play from bricks on A lobby which is a pretty safe spot.
To do it, come over to this corner on Bricks and find that spot (leaf) just as referenced in the picture, then shoot your molly. This will take 2-3 seconds before landing so keep that in mind to ensure the best timing possible.
From the same exact position, you will be able to hit a lineup to the second default planting spot which is more for site and tree. However, this will make it harder for you to play for the spike but as long as you have a plan going as to how you retake the site with the usage of this molly, you’ll be good to go.
To do it, by standing in that same exact spot as the previous lineup, aim your HUD bar to that corner just as referenced and then shoot your molly.
Moving over to B site, this lineup will ensure you take off anyone trying to defuse the spike while playing towards your spawn in a pretty safe and efficient spot. This targets the default planting spot which is around the middle bottom of the stairway.
To do it, come stand in front of the boxes and aim your crosshair at that spot. You can usew your molly icon to align or the area where the crosshair is, either way shooting this molly will take a few seconds before it lands on site so keep that in mind.
This lineup will help you in scenarios where you are taking up a late lurk from A to B as there’s a link to easily access both sites. It’ll land on the same defaulting spot but you can perform it from bricks on A, which is quite safe even for enemies rotating as they won’t expect or predict your position.
To do it, hug the wall on bricks just as so and aim your crosshair at that spot in front of these leafs. When you do, shoot your molly and it’ll take 2-3 seconds before it lands and explodes on the spike, taking anyone off it and buying you time to complete your lurk and win the round. Switching between these 2 lineups will create a good play as enemies won’t be able to tell if you’re playing on Main or from A anymore.
Moving over to C site, this lineup is done from C lobby and lands on the default planting spot in a short amount of time. It’s very useful and efficient to use as you’re not far away from the spike and it can buy you enough time to win out many rounds especially on a site structured like C on lotus.
To do it, come on this corner right in front of the wall and align the top of the dot on your smoke icon and as you align it like so, throw your molly.
Standing in the same exact spot, you can aim to send your molly more to the right which is the default planting spot for C main. This will be as efficient and quick, absolutely beneficial to learn both lineups as you might need both depending on how you plant and playout the rounds.
To do it, just lineup your molly mouse HUD with the corner of the rock like shown in the picture. As you’ve done that, you’re ready to go and send your molly.
This last lineup is quite simple and quick, but it’s a perfect solution if you’re in a 1v1 or a tight clutch scenario and willing to target the default planting spot.
To do it, just come over here or around it and look at the wall like so, then throw your molly. It will bounce off it and immediately retain the area of the spike, giving you the advantage.