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Best Cypher Cage Lineups For Fracture

Best Cypher Cage Lineups For Fracture
Written by: Wei

Mastering the art of stealth, defense, and information gathering is crucial. One agent who excels in these areas is Cypher, the master of surveillance. His key strength lies in his ability to control and manipulate information on the battlefield, with his Spycam, Trapwires, and Cyber Cages at his disposal. An essential part of his toolkit, the Cyber Cage, is a versatile asset that can be a game-changer in the right hands.


This article will explore the best cage lineups on Fracture for Cypher in Valorant, diving into the details of how to place these obscure smokes to gain an edge over your opponents, restrict their movement, and dominate the battlefield. Whether you are a seasoned Cypher main or a beginner looking to expand your knowledge, these lineups will provide you with fresh perspectives and strategic insights to help you enhance your gameplay.



Cypher Defense Cage Lineups


This side relies heavily on you as a sentinel and site anchor, in most cases, you’ll be up against many enemies trying to enter your site and as a Cypher you’re equipped to cancel that out and possibly earn kills. Using your cages in good spots can result in easy and more efficient frags, so here are the best cage lineups you can use:


Starting with A site on Fracture, this one way will help you completely demolish anyone coming out to sands through doors. Often times, attackers explode using utility such as stuns and flashes, you might even get smoked off as they take control of the area, with this one way, you can utilize a trip to get maximum benefit if anyone challenges you for that space. 


To do it, come over to this corner on Ropes, and then aim right at this spot. Then, simply throw your cage and it’ll perfectly land and function as a one way. 


Secondly on A site, you can use this amazing and unexpected one way for dish, where you can utilize it by playing from sands or CT or even just around middle of site. This makes it harder for anyone to come out of Dish, especially that you have line of sight of them before they do. 



To do it, come over to this corner under dish and aim your crosshair at that spot, then simply jump and throw your cage which will land perfectly just like in the picture. 


Coming into A main, where you most definitely would get hit most, this is a perfect one way to block anyone from crossing without you getting line of sight and potentially earn free kills as they stand in main. 


To do it, you need to come over to this corner on A main and look at this ping (place your crosshair here) and then throw your cage. Then, go back to site and activate it as you see fit. 


Into B site, this is a perfect one way to use in a more passive manner. As it activates giving you playful ground from dice, tower or even default in site. While enemies can come up all the way from main, this makes it easier for you to isolate fights and pick them apart. 


To do it, stand in this corner by the green box and aim at that spot, then simply jump and throw your cage. Then, take positon into tower or site and wait for the enemy to push you. 


If you’re looking to cover up a one way for anyone who’s pushing Arace, this will be a good lineup for you as it gives you line of sight to anyone on Arcade (progressed up) and they won’t be able to see you back essentially winning you the fight. 


To do it, come over to this corner and aim your crosshair exactly at that spot, just like in the picture. And then, throw your cage. 


If you’re looking to hold enemies from even walking up on B main, this will be a great one way that’ll earn you free picks towards that area. 


To do it, come over to this corner and throw your cage while aiming exactly where the ping refers to. Then, good luck taking fights against those walking up to your territory. 


Lastly, this lineup for B site is perfect when you’ve taken control and planted the spike and you’re willing to add more pain the life’s of those who are trying to retake site. 


Make sure you’re in a safe space before going on to do this lineup, then, head over to the corner in front of CT and aim right at that spot, throw your cage and then await enemies to come for a retake so you activate and surprise them with the one way. 

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