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Best KAYO Flash Lineups For Lotus

Best KAYO Flash Lineups For Lotus
Written by: Wei

Mastering each agent's capabilities is a surefire way to swing the match in your favor. One such agent is the explosive Kayo, the ruthless and emotionless war machine. Among his arsenal of explosive tools, his Flash/Drive ability is a particularly powerful tool for disrupting enemy lines and setting up plays.


This article will be your ultimate guide to mastering the best Kayo Flash lineups on Lotus in Valorant. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a relative newcomer, we will help you to understand the best ways to use Kayo's flash to blind your enemies and seize control of the match. You'll learn how to create opportunities, maximize team engagement, and elevate your gameplay.



KAY/O Attack Flash Lineups


While attacking is often dependant on the duelists, you as a flasher initiator play a key role in the efficiency of their entry. To maximize the chances of you winning a round, use these lineups that will take any enemy by surprise with an instant blind that’ll easen your way into any site:


Starting with an insane flash that will allow you to fluidly peek anyone towards A; whether they held an operator or just aggressing for an early pick, you will be in an advantageous position as you fight with this flash. 


To do it, come over to this corner (right against the barrier) on A main, aim your crosshair at the exact same spot as in the picture, then simply throw your flash and allow your teammates to peek. It will not flash you or your teammates, so don’t be afraid. 


Now if you’re looking to execute A site, this will be an alternative lineup that you should use to blind anyone deep in site. Although, keep in mind A site is pretty narrow and there are many walls somebody can play around so these flashes will not always hit except you knew the enemey’s position. 


To do it, you will need to clear up the area until B Link, where you stand as you have line of sight like so and aim at that spot on top of the wooden box, then simply throw your flash. 


Move over to B site, this bouncing flash will catch anyone off guard as it pops in the enemy’s screen as well as confuse them if they were playing closer since it bounces off a wall. 


To do it, come over to this corner on B main, aim at that spot just as in the picture, and then simply RUN and left click your flash. As it bounces, feel free to peek and earn your free kills. 


Over to C site, usually you will struggle taking control of that area as defenders will always contest for space, potentially with an operator or just looking for a first pick as they could be a Chamber, Jett or Reyna. This will blind them, forcing them to either back off or face you fully blinded. 


To do it, come over to this corner (right against the barrier) and as soon as your teammates are close to peeking, throw your flash while aiming at the middle of the rock on top of C site. It’ll pop in an instant for anyone in C lobby. 


KAY/O Defense Flash Lineups


In defense, it may not seem like you would be utilizing your flashes as much as you normally do, but the fact is you still can make a game-changing difference as you assist your duelist to push up and take space with these lineups. The best form of defense, is offense, which puts you at a huge advantage as a flasher:


When you’re defending A site, you are expected to take control and challenge attackers for the space of A main. This can be done paired with other pieces of utility such as Breach stuns, Raze Nades/Molly, and so on. In addition to your flash, this will allow an instant dash or satchel for your duelists to go for first bloods. 


To do it, stand right against the barrier on the left side; aim at that spot on top of the leave and simply throw your flash. 


This lineup on B site can be used a retake or as a counter to the attacking team, whichever situation you find yourself in, it will work as it’s a one-way flash. 


To do it, come over to this corner, barely exposing yourself and aim at the ground just like so. By left clicking your flash, it will hit the ground and bounce off then flash from under the stairway making it only dangerous for the enemies. 


The next C lineup will be an amazing way to pop flash and peek into enemies which is quite unexpected and hard to dodge for any attacking team walking up C lobby. 


To do it, come over to this corner, just so you’re close enough to peek, and aim at that spot, then (left click) your flash. Even though it’s a pop flash, using a left click will help blind the enemies for longer, thus, giving you more time to score your kills. 


Pro Tips: 


  • All of these flash lineups are done using a left-click throw, as it blinds enemies for much longer and is much more impactful than a right click which narrows down your options. 
  • Make sure to practice these lineups in a custom game before you head to a real match as you need to make sure you memorized each correctly and avoid any conflict.

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