Best Cypher Cage Lineups For Pearl

Mastering the art of stealth, defense, and information gathering is crucial. One agent who excels in these areas is Cypher, the master of surveillance. His key strength lies in his ability to control and manipulate information on the battlefield, with his Spycam, Trapwires, and Cyber Cages at his disposal. An essential part of his toolkit, the Cyber Cage, is a versatile asset that can be a game-changer in the right hands.
This article will explore the best cage lineups on Pearl for Cypher in Valorant, diving into the details of how to place these obscure smokes to gain an edge over your opponents, restrict their movement, and dominate the battlefield. Whether you are a seasoned Cypher main or a beginner looking to expand your knowledge, these lineups will provide you with fresh perspectives and strategic insights to help you enhance your gameplay.
Cypher Defense Cage Lineups
This side relies heavily on you as a sentinel and site anchor, in most cases, you’ll be up against many enemies trying to enter your site and as a Cypher you’re equipped to cancel that out and possibly earn kills. Using your cages in good spots can result in easy and more efficient frags, so here are the best cage lineups you can use:
Starting on A site, this is an incredible one way cage that you can use to isolate art from back site, it’s very versatile as it allows you a multitude of uses. That being playing from back site, or even close corners and catching enemies on art off guard.
To do it, come over to this corner on A site and aim your crosshair at that spot next to window in the building. Then, simply, throw your cage. It will land on that little edge giving you a unique one way to play off.
For the second lineup on A site, it will be relatively simple, landing a cage on top of the box that separates back site to allow yourself to play around and give yourself cheeky corners that nobody else would regularly check.
Simply come over to anywhere near this box and throw your cage on top of it. As enemies explode on site, activate it and play accordingly. This cage alone can change the outcome of so many rounds.
But as a Cypher, you won’t always play on site. Sometimes, you will adapt to the enemy playstyle and maybe you find it more suitable to play off Art and leave site for retake, especially if they had ultimates on the line like Breach’s or Fade’s. In that case, this one way from Art will help you still demolish anyone coming your way while being completely safe.
To do it, come over to this corner on Art and aim your crosshair right under that window. And then simply, jump and throw your cage. It will land on it, giving you a unique one way.
Moving over, this will be the same exact lineup but for the left side. You can use it as a one way, or preferably, combine it with the previous lineup to create a full Art one way onto site. This will give you maximized benefit, although it can be situational depending on how you want to play out your round.
By standing in the same spot as the previous lineup, just aim under that window and then jump + throw your cage. Will have the same exact effect.
Now as a Cypher, you are more likely going to encounter heavy mid resistance towards double doors. While it’s not always that you should peek, with this lineup you can justify the risks and ensure yourself of getting kills of that play. It will create a one way towards anyone peeking from shop which will inevitably lead them to die to you.
To do it, line yourself up with this corner on the wall, and then align the trip ability logo with the end of the lamp just like so, then jump and throw your cage.
This one way will traumatize every enemy trying to hit up your B site. It is unexpected and very uncommon, yet extremely effective as it will allow you to have full vision on everybody crossing on B long while they don’t, giving you the upper hand in those fights.
To do it, come over to the corner right next to default and aim at that spot on the sky. Then, jump and throw your lineup as it will land on the roof of the house.
While this may not be a particular hard lineup or so by any means, it’s still quite an effective cage that you can use for various reasons. One is being to play on tower off your trips, which will give you free kills. Or to allow yourself around the space it creates and possibly surprise enemies on site.
Now doing it is very simple, stand on this corner on Heaven and throw your cage just like so. Try to ensure that it’s as close to the edge as possible.