Team Heretics bench MONSTEERR

Team Heretics bench the 17-year-old star Ondřej "MONSTEERR" Petrů from the Czech Republic.
About it, the player informed in his TwitLonger.
"I'm kinda sad about all of this, but it's time to move on and work even harder. I'll be thankful to the boys forever, because they gave me the chance to play with experienced players and let me learn from them how to be a much better player as well. And those experiences are something which will help me in my further steps in my career", - MONSTEERR said in his statement.
In September, they benched two players: paTiTek, Amilwa and coach Johnta.
Current Team Heretics roster:

Team Heretics received an invite to Red Bull Home Ground 2, which will take place from 4 to 7 November, so very soon we will find out who will join the new roster.