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Valorant Streamers Are Upset

Valorant Streamers Are Upset
Written by: Wei

Valorant streamers are upset for being left out…




VCT LOCK//IN Brazil Watch party list has been released, many streamers and fans found it shocking for the names that appeared missing or rather left out. 


Whenever Riot plans a big event like the VCT LOCK//IN, there has to be approved streamer list that can start a watch party for that event. This time, Riot went ahead and tried to be a lot more diverse by including many other languages in their streamer list (streamers that aren’t English speakers  at all) 


The problem lies behind the fact that there are some very known streamers, with a huge fanbase developed all on streaming VALORANT and yet, they did not make the cut into the watch party list. 


This has sparked a controversy in the community, discussing whether or not it was a good decision for Riot to make. 




Even AverageJonas who is a very will known creator and has been a part of many watch parties in the past, was not accepted into this list. There are more creators like TSM Subroza, Hiko, and Sean Gares. 

In response to the community’s backlash, Leo Faria went out and declared that they were aiming for more diversity and variety of languages but that will not stop them from rewarding those who are committed to the VALORANT community. 


While there weren’t any details shared, he did say that there will be more creators invited in the future to this list in which we hope, AverageJonas, Subroza, Hiko, and Sean Gares will make it this time. 

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