OBG sign Forze's trio to attend EMEA LCQ

Image Credit: One Breath Gaming
Written by: ar1essss
One Breath Gaming have announced signing Coffee, zeddy and hugeon from forZe and receive slot in EMEA Last Chance qualifier.
Earlier, OBG parted with their previous VALORANT line-up in early August. Three days ago, the English organization announced returning to Riot shooter, signed Vladislav "minse" Kuzminykh and Stanislav "Sp1ke" Koshel from last roster, and forZe's duo - hugeon and zeddy. Today, they recruited Nikita "Coffee" Antsypirovich from forZe, and automatically received the slot in VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: EMEA Last Chance Qualifier.
One Breath Gaming roster:

In open match within EMEA LCQ One Breath Gaming will meet with Team Liquid.