Interview with Johnqt, Sentinels' IGL ahead of the Lower Bracket Finals!

Interview with JohnQT, Sentinels' IGL before the lower bracket finals!
Yoann: Hey, hello everyone! Today I’m in Madrid, interviewing Sentinels’ leader, Johnqt!
When and how did you get into esports?
Johnqt: I got into esports very young, I used to play CS 1.6, I’d watch tournaments! Then I played League Of Legends, CSGO, I was always interested in esports because I love videogames, and I love competing! It all started very young!
Yoann: That’s great! You joined Sentinels for the 2024 VCT season, how challenging was it to IGL for a completely different team?
Johnqt: It wasn’t that challenging, because we had a lot of off-season practice. I got used to the team very fast, and we scrimmed for 4 months before the season started. It was just a process, it was all right!
Yoann: Cool! How was your time with M80? What did you learn from this experience that makes you a better player today?
Johnqt: I got a lot of match reps, and I went to a LAN event for Ascension. I got a lot of experience, and I improved as a player. I had great teammates that helped me improve as an in-game leader!
Yoann: How big of a switch was it to join Sentinels and play in Tier 1?
Johnqt: It’s a big switch, because it’s Sentinels! It’s such a big org, with a lot of fans! It’s been enjoyable, I’m having a lot of fun in L.A., practicing with everyone, and going to the Riot Arena. I’m just enjoying, and thankful for this opportunity!
Yoann: Amazing! You are considered as the favorite for this tournament, how is the team feeling about these expectations, and the pressure coming with it?
Johnqt: We don’t really focus on it, we take one game at a time. I don’t think there’s much pressure on us. At the end of the day, it’s still the first tournament of the year, and there’s still a lot of games to be played! We just take it day-by-day, practice, make sure we rest, and get ready for the match day.
Yoann: Let’s now move to the Quick Questions part! I’ll ask you 10 quick questions you'll have to answer as fast as possible, ready?
Johnqt: Okay!
Yoann: Phantom or Vandal?
Johnqt: Phantom.
Yoann: What's your favorite map?
Johnqt: Split.
Yoann: What's your favorite agent?
Johnqt: Cypher!
Yoann: What's your favorite skin collection?
Johnqt: Sovereign.
Yoann: Excited for the new Sovereign Phantom?
Johnqt: Of course, yeah!
Yoann: What's your best memory as a Valorant pro?
Johnqt: Winning Kickoff.
Yoann: What are your hobbies or passions aside from gaming?
Johnqt: Sports, reading, and watching TV shows!
Yoann: Can you name the eight teams that won an international event?
Johnqt: Fnatic, EG, Optic, FPX, Gambit, Sentinels, Acend…
Yoann: The last team is Loud! Which team would you like to play against in a grand final, in Champions for example?
Johnqt: A team from the Americas, just so we can lift the trophy again!
Yoann: What kind of music do you listen to to get in the zone?
Johnqt: It depends, sometimes it’s hype music, if I need the energy. Sometimes it’s just calm music, just so I can get in the mood, and be focused.
Yoann: Can you quote a voice line from your favorite agent?
Johnqt: I actually can’t haha!
Yoann: All good! What would you change to the game, and the meta if you were a developer?
Johnqt: It might sound crazy, but I would nerf ults. Just make them have 12 or 13 orbs, where you can only have 2 if you’re having a really good game! I think ultimates make the game really snowbally, and it sometimes makes it impossible to win, because of the snowball effect.
Yoann: Yeah, I understand. Have you tested the new agent, Clove yet? If yes, how do you feel about it?
Johnqt: No, I haven’t played it yet, sadly!
Yoann: Maybe soon! What advice would you give to someone willing to become a pro player?
Johnqt: Just make sure to be smart about it. Don’t waste time playing just to play, you need to have a smart approach about it, and have set goals for the day, or for the week. Just so you can improve on certain aspects, and your progression.
Yoann: Great! Is there anything else you would like to say?
Johnqt: Appreciate the fans, thank you for supporting us, and I’ll keep on doing my best!
Yoann: Thank you so much for your time, and best of luck for tomorrow’s game!
Johnqt: Thank you!
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