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How to Improve Your Aim in Apex Legends

How to Improve Your Aim in Apex Legends
Written by: iamharoongill

Welcome to our latest blog post, where we aim to boost your gaming prowess by focusing on a crucial aspect of the popular Battle Royale game Apex Legends - improving your aim. Apex Legends, with its fast-paced, dynamic gameplay and a roster of unique characters, each with its own abilities, has captivated the hearts of millions of gamers worldwide. Yet, even as you master the strategic elements and understand the nuances of each Legend, there is one fundamental skill that always stands between you and victory - your aim.


In a world as competitive and complex as Apex Legends, having a sharp, precise aim can often be the decisive factor that carries you to the Champion's screen. Each bullet missed is a window of opportunity opened for your opponents, a chance for them to turn the tables. That's why honing your aim and being able to consistently land your shots is paramount to your success in the game.



Whether you're an experienced player looking to refine your skills or a newbie trying to get off on the right foot, this post will delve into a series of effective tips, tricks, and techniques to help you improve your aim in Apex Legends. We're going to share everything from the basic principles of aiming to advanced strategies, with the ultimate goal of helping you dominate the battlefield.



10 Tips To Improve Your Aim in Apex Legends



1. Crosshair Placement





Crosshair placement is a fundamental principle of any first-person shooter game, and Apex Legends is no exception. Good crosshair placement sets you up for successful engagements and can drastically improve your accuracy. This principle revolves around the habit of always keeping your crosshair where you anticipate enemies to be and at head or chest level. Here's how to do it:


  • Head or Chest Level: In Apex Legends, shots to the head deal more damage than shots to the body. Therefore, keeping your crosshair at head level increases your chances of landing those crucial headshots. If headshots are proving difficult, aim for the chest area, as it's a larger target but still deals significant damage.
  • Anticipating Enemy Position: You should also try to predict where your opponents might appear. It means positioning your crosshair near corners as you approach them or aiming it at the top of a zipline or the edge of a building where enemies might appear. It will give you an edge in reaction time.



2. Make Use of the Firing Range




Apex Legends provides players with a feature-packed firing range, an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their aim. The firing range offers all weapons, attachments, and legends abilities for you to practice with, and it has moving targets of various ranges.


  • Weapon Familiarity: Spend time using each weapon. Understand their bullet drops, recoil patterns, and handling. It will increase your confidence and versatility in the actual games, as you won't be relying on finding a specific gun every match.
  • Moving Targets: The firing range has moving targets to simulate enemy players. Use these to practice tracking (keeping your crosshair on a moving target) and to get a feel for how each weapon handles.



3. Optimize Your Game Settings:




The importance of game settings is often overlooked by many players. The right settings can enhance your performance and help improve your aim.


  • Sensitivity: One of the most crucial aspects of your settings is mouse sensitivity (or controller sensitivity for console players). There's no universal "best sensitivity," as it depends on personal comfort and playstyle. However, a good starting point is to set a sensitivity that allows you to make a 180-degree turn. Most pro players tend to stick with lower sensitivities as they offer greater control and precision.
  • DPI: DPI stands for dots per inch, and it indicates how many pixels the cursor will move when you move your mouse. Like sensitivity, it's largely down to personal preference. As a rule of thumb, you want your DPI to be consistent across all your games to build muscle memory.
  • FOV (Field of View): FOV defines the height and width of your in-game view. A higher FOV allows you to see more in your peripheral vision but can make objects appear smaller/further away, which may impact your aim. Experiment with different FOV settings to find a balance that works for you.



4. Practice Tracking:




Tracking refers to keeping your crosshair on a moving target, effectively 'tracking' its movement. This skill is crucial in Apex Legends as it improves your accuracy against moving opponents, which is very common given the game's fast pace. Here's how you can practice tracking:


  • Start with Static Aiming: Before you get into tracking, you should be comfortable with static aiming, i.e., hitting stationary targets reliably. It helps you understand your aim's basic mechanics without the additional challenge of movement.
  • Use the Firing Range: The firing range in Apex Legends features a few moving targets that you can use to practice tracking. Try to keep your aim on these targets while they're moving. Begin with slow tracking and gradually increase your speed as your accuracy improves.
  • Track During Movement: Once you've gotten a handle on static tracking, add your own movement to the mix. Try strafing side to side while keeping your crosshair on a target. It helps mimic the conditions of an actual fight in Apex Legends.



5. Understand Bullet Drop and Speed:




Apex Legends features realistic bullet physics, meaning bullets will drop over distance (gravity effect) and take time to reach their target (bullet travel time). Understanding these aspects can significantly improve your aim, particularly in medium to long-range engagements.


  • Bullet Drop: Bullet drop refers to how many bullets "fall" over a given distance. The further your target, the higher you'll have to aim to compensate for bullet drop. Each weapon has a different bullet drop, which you can learn and get used to in the firing range.
  • Bullet Speed: This is how fast a bullet travels from your gun to the point you're aiming at. If an enemy is moving, you'll have to lead your shots, meaning aiming at the point they will be, not where they currently are. Similar to bullet drop, bullet speed varies between weapons, making some weapons more suited to long-range combat than others.



6. Use Aim Trainers:




Aim trainers are third-party applications or programs that offer various exercises to help you improve your aim. They provide an array of scenarios to help practice and improve different aspects of your aim, including tracking, flick shots, click-timing, and more. Here's how you can benefit from aim trainers:


  • Consistent Practice: Aim trainers provide a controlled environment for you to practice your aim consistently. They offer several aiming exercises that can be repeated as often as you like, helping to build muscle memory.
  • Customizable Scenarios: Most aim trainers let you tweak the settings for their exercises. It allows you to tailor your practice sessions to focus on specific weaknesses.
  • Benchmark Progress: Aim trainers often come with built-in analytics that allows you to track your progress over time. You can use these stats to assess your improvement and identify areas that need more attention.



7. Improve Your Positioning




In Apex Legends, positioning is just as important as aim. Good positioning can give you an edge in fights, offering better angles, more cover, and sometimes, a complete surprise attack. Here are some ways you can improve your positioning:


  • High Ground: Whenever possible, take the high ground. It gives you a better viewpoint and makes you a harder target to hit.
  • Cover Usage: Always fight near the cover. It gives you a place to retreat and recharge your shields if needed. Avoid engaging in an open area where you're an easy target.
  • Flanking: If you're in a team, coordinate with your teammates to attack from different angles. It can disorient enemies and split their attention, making it easier for you to land your shots.



8. Familiarize Yourself with Each Weapon's Recoil:


Each weapon in Apex Legends has a unique recoil pattern. Recoil is the kickback you experience when firing a gun. Familiarizing yourself with these patterns can significantly improve your aim and control during gunfights.


  • Study the Recoil Pattern: Take each weapon to the firing range and fire it without trying to control the recoil to understand its pattern. Some guns may kick vertically, some pull to the side, and others may have a more erratic recoil.
  • Practice Recoil Control: Once you know the pattern, practice pulling your mouse (or control stick) in the opposite direction of the recoil as you fire. It can help keep your aim steady, allowing you to land more shots on your target.
  • Attachments Make a Difference: Certain attachments can modify a weapon's recoil. For example, barrel stabilizers can reduce recoil and make guns easier to handle. Experiment with different attachments in the firing range to understand their impact on recoil.



9. Use ADS (Aim Down Sights) Sparingly:




Aiming Down Sights (ADS) allows you to aim more accurately at the expense of your mobility. In Apex Legends, your movement speed decreases significantly when you ADS, making you an easier target for enemies. Therefore, it's essential to balance your use of ADS:


  • Close Quarters Combat (CQC): In close-range fights, it's often better to hip-fire rather than ADS. Hip-firing allows you to move faster, making you harder to hit while maintaining reasonable accuracy.
  • Long-Range Engagements: For distant targets, ADS is almost necessary for precise shots. However, try to be in cover before you aim to protect yourself from return fire.



10. Strafe and Counter Aim:




Strafing (moving side-to-side) during a gunfight makes you a harder target to hit but also affects your aim. Counter-aiming is adjusting your aim in the opposite direction of your strafe to keep your crosshair on target:


  • Practice in the Firing Range: Start by practicing your strafing and counter-aim in the firing range. Try to keep your crosshair on a stationary target while moving side-to-side.
  • Integrate into Combat: Once you've gotten the hang of it, start integrating strafing into your fights. Remember, your strafe should be unpredictable - don't just move in one direction.





Improving your aim in Apex Legends is a journey of constant learning and deliberate practice. From mastering the basics of crosshair placement to understanding intricate details of each weapon's recoil patterns, every skill contributes significantly to your overall performance in the game. Use the game's built-in firing range to familiarize yourself with various weapons and their mechanics, and consider third-party aim trainers for more focused practice.


Remember, positioning plays a crucial role in your engagements, and the right settings can enhance your accuracy. While the journey may seem challenging, each step brings you closer to becoming a formidable competitor on the battlefield. Keep practicing, stay patient, and watch your skills evolve over time. 


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