How Old Are The Legends In Apex Legends? Character Ages And History

Similar to a lot of the other FPS titles, Apex Legends also comes with a storyline and lore that players can follow in order to become more invested in the characters and game. Once you bear this lore in mind, you might be surprised at the ages of some of the Legends.
Although many of the Legends are still in their youthful years, some are way older than one might expect. In this article, we will let you know about the age of all of the characters in the game, from Rampart to Vantage.
The Number Of Characters Present In Apex Legends?
As of Season 16 of Apex Legends, Respawn Entertainment has introduced a total of 23 Legends in the game from which players can take their pick. As stated above, some of these Legends are pretty old, whereas the others are a lot younger.
Before the release of Season 16, Respawn updated some of the Legends’ ages, which makes many of them who were released a while ago two years older on the official lore pages.
The Age Of Apex Legends Characters
Check out the complete rundown of all the Legends in increasing order of their ages below:
Vantage – 19 Years Old
Respawn released Vantage in Season 14 of Apex Legends. Xiomara “Mara” Contreras, also known as Vantage, was born and raised by her mother, Xenia, alone on an ice planet known as Págos.
Even though she is the youngest legend on the roster, she is extremely skilled when it comes to handling a sniper rifle, and it also makes her stand out from the rest of the Legends in the game.
Rampart – 23 Years Old
Ramya “Rampart” Parekh can easily wreak havoc on the entire battlefield just by using her ultimate. She specializes in both offense as well as defense.
Although her ultimate, a minigun known as “Sheila,” is enough to tear through enemies, her tactical ability also creates a defensive cover for her as well as her teammates.
Crypto – 24 Years Old
Crypto has the ability to reveal his opponents’ locations from a distance simply by using his drone. After he was falsely framed for murder, Tae “Crypto” Joon Park entered the Apex Games to seek revenge.
Crypto is a fantastic hacker and can simply spy on his enemies with the help of his aerial drones.
Wattson – 24 Years Old
Natalie “Wattson” Paquette can easily nullify any ordinance with the help of her ultimate. She is a skilled engineer, just like her father. After his death, she dedicated her entire life to fighting beside her friends in the arena, with the help of her advanced technology.
Lifeline – 26 Years Old
Lifeline was introduced to the game in Season 1 of Apex Legends and can provide direct healing to her team members. Ajay Che, also known as Lifeline, can be quite a fun and sarcastic character at times with her dialogues and callouts.
Lifeline also devoted her life to helping out others around her, which makes her a great teammate and a must-have on one’s team.
Octane – 26 Years Old
Otavio “Octane” Silva is also considered the high-speed daredevil of Apex Legends. His tactical ability helps him run incredibly fast. After Lifeline, he is the sole Legend that is equipped with healing abilities.
He can run super fast, escape high-intensity gunfights with ease, and is hyper-energetic for his own good.
Seer – 27 Years Old
Obi “Seer” Edolasim is an amazing Recon Legend and is an ambush artist in Apex Legends. He can pinpoint the location of enemies present within a specific radius, along with disclosing their health as well as shield status.
His “Heart Seeker” ability also helps him to locate the direction of enemies that are close as it reveals their heartbeats.
Catalyst – 30 Years Old
Tressa Crystal Smith, also known as, Catalyst, group on a faltering planet with a deteriorating moon called Boreas. She was released in the game with the release of Season 15 and is a ferrofluid expert. She uses this to turn things to her advantage if the games are going to get in her way.
Gibraltar – 32 Years Old
Gibraltar has the ability to create a dome of protection for his whole team. He has quite a rebellious nature which makes him one of the best legends in the game.
After a tragic accident, Makoa Gibraltar learned the value of saving lives and has been doing that ever since he became a part of the Apex Games.
Mirage – 32 Years Old
Elliott “Mirage” Witt is the youngest child out of his four brothers and is a holographic trickster in Apex Legends. He has the ability to outwit and outplay his enemies with the help of his two customized holo devices that his mother gave to him as a gift.
Valkyrie – 31 Years Old
Kairi “Valkyrie” Imahara is a winger avenger in the game and is bold, fierce, brash, and full of rage. She built a jetpack in honor of her father’s memory and uses it to outmaneuver her enemies in the Apex Games.
Wraith – 34 Years Old
Renee “Wraith” Blasey is an interdimensional skirmisher in Apex Legends who can travel between interdimensional rifts, land lethal blows on her enemies, and can hear voices in her head.
Loba – 36 Years Old
Loba is capable of teleporting within the game. She joined Apex Games to find out who killed her family when she was only nine years old and avenge their murder.
Bangalore – 40 Years Old
Anita “Bangalore” Williams is a professional soldier in Apex Legends and used to be at the “top of her class at the IMC Military Academy.”
She now fights on the battlefield with all of her heart in Apex Games with the hope of meeting a pilot who will take her to reunite with her family one day.
Newcastle – 41 Years Old
Jackson “Newcastle” Williams is a heroic defender in the game and is also Bangalore’s brother. He used to be a top soldier for the IMC.
Caustic – 50 Years Old
Caustic was among some of the best scientists at Humbert Labs. Alexander “Caustic” Nox is a toxic trapper in Apex Legends. His creations were capable of destroying anything they touched, and he later put them to work in Apex Games to see enemies get suffocated.
Fuse – 55 Years Old
Walter “Fuse” Fitzroy is a bombastic explosives expert in the game. He is an explosives enthusiast who only intends to see things explode. He is also known as a “Ladies’ man, man’s man, and all-around manly man.”
Mad Maggie – 56 Years Old
Mad Maggie grew up without having any family in one of the dullest corners of Salvo. Margaret “Mad Maggie” Kōhere is a rebel warlord in Apex Legends. She and Fuse used to be inseparable until he abandoned her for something far greater.
Pathfinder – 77 Years Old
Way more than an MRVN, Pathfinder is an enthusiastic robot who is always ready to help others and also shoot them. As a plus, he can also swing like Spiderman in Apex Legends!
Ash – 122 (46 as human & 76 as simulacrum)
Dr. Ashleigh Reid, also known as Ash, was born in the unforgiving Frontier. Her physical body passed away when her lab self-destructed, but her brain did not. Creepy, am I right?
After a while, she was put in a simulacrum shell, lost a lot of her memories, and her trauma of death changed her entire personality. In Apex Legends, Ash is a blade runner. She learned quite early in her life that the only person who was going to look out for her was herself.
It is Ash who represents the cold, perfectionistic, power-hungry side of Dr. Reid. However, behind that confident facade, something sinister is simmering.
Horizon – 126 (39 earth + 87 in space)
Dr. Mary Somers, also known as Horizon, is a gravitational manipulator in Apex Legends. She spent 88 years in space. With the help of Dr. Reid (Ash), she discovered the answer to limitless energy, which is Branthium.
Revenant – 359 (44 as human & 315 as simulacrum)
Revenant is a real nightmare for anyone who runs into him in the game. This character used to be a human but is now a walking nightmare for the enemies stuck in the arena with him. He is also the one who killed Loba’s family when she was only nine years old!
Bloodhound – 40
Bloodhound has the ability to track down his enemies in Apex Legends. The elite hunter is 40 years old, as is now confirmed as of Season 16.
The Youngest Apex Legends Character
As of Season 16 of Apex Legends, Xiomara “Mara” Contreras, also known as Vantage, is the youngest Legend in the game at only 19 years. Her Echo Relocation can be an incredible way to dodge heated gunfights and escape to a much safer location.
She is also capable of bringing out her custom sniper, “Sniper’s Mark,” as her ultimate ability that helps to mark enemy targets and apply a damage bonus as well for the entire team.
The Oldest Apex Legends Character
Revenant is the oldest Legend in the game out of all the Legends at 357 years. He is over three centuries old now and used to be the greatest hitman the Mercenary Syndicate ever had when he was known as Kaleb Cross.
He possesses the abilities to climb up buildings and protect himself from death which are quite unique and help him to outplay his enemies.
That is all there is to know about the ages as well as the history of all of the different Legends in Apex Legends.