Best Keyboard Bindings For Fortnite

Fortnite developers have come up with some fascinating tools that have come in handy. They put hard work and determination into bringing us some exceptional digital tools that help us better our game. However, pro gamers have also brought talent and ease into the game by finding optimal ways to play Fortnite.
Pro gamers have spent hours playing Fortnite and have shared their expertise on how to play efficiently and effectively. According to most gamers, the thing that makes the most difference in a player's performance is his keyboard bindings.
Whether a person is new to Fortnite or a regular player who wants to get better at the game, keyboard bindings make a huge difference. They maximize your comfort as well as your reaction time when fighting, moving, and building.
There is nothing wrong with using the default layout that Fortnite configures for you upon launch, but it is also nowhere close to being efficient. Moreover, fighting is much more complicated in Fortnite than it seems, where you have to build, dodge, and hit shots.
The most important thing to having the best keyboard bindings is to make everything feel natural and accessible, even if you are playing Zero Build. By closely examining the keyboard bindings of several pro players, we have compiled a list of the best keybinds for different tasks.
However, you can easily adjust them anytime to whatever suits you best. Check out the following list, and feel free to experiment on your own as well!
Best Movement Keyboard Bindings For Fortnite
The following keybinds are the ones most often used by pro gamers, so let's check them out:
- Move Left: A
- Move Backward: S
- Move Forward: W
- Move Right: D
Most professional gamers use the old-school combination of movement in Fortnite. There is no need to move away from tradition and develop something better since this is the most efficient way. Feel free to try, though!
- Crouch: Left Ctrl
- Jump: Space
- Open Map: M
- Sprint: Tab/Caps Lock
- Auto-run: F4 or any function key that would be easy and quick to press
You may find yourself rotating more than shooting if you are a looter, so keeping the auto-run keybind close to your hand helps you save a lot of energy in the long run.
Best Movement Settings For Fortnite
Following are a few settings that best complement the keybinds and help you play an efficient game, and save you a lot of time:
- Toggle Sprints: Off
- Sprint By Default: On
- Sprint Cancels Reloadings: Off
Turning the Sprint Cancels Reloading off lets you immediately cancel your reloading by simply switching weapons.
- Auto Open Doors: On
Best Building Keyboard Bindings For Fortnite
You need the ability to build quickly when facing an opponent and to keep up with the other players in Fortnite.
Building in Fortnite is spread out between the mouse and the keyboard, which makes your gaming faster and more efficient.
Check out the following list of the Best Keybinds for Building:
- Trap: T
- Stairs: E
- Place Building: Left Mouse Button
- Roof: Mouse 5
- Wall: Q
- Floor: Mouse 4
- Crouch While Editing: Left Shift
- Repair/Upgrade: H
- Building Edit: F or Mouse Wheel Up
- Rotate Building piece: R
- Change Building Material: Right Mouse Button
- Reset Building Edit: Mouse Wheel Up
- Select Building Edit: Left Mouse Button
Best Building Settings For Fortnite
Following are the Best Building Settings For Fortnite, which perfectly go with the keyboard bindings mentioned above and generally as well:
- Reset Build Choice: On
- Disable Pre-Edit Option: On
- Turbo Building: On
- Confirm Edit On Release: On
Best Combat/Weapon Keyboard Bindings For Fortnite
You need quick access to all your weapons without wasting a lot of time and moving your hand since an opponent might come out of nowhere.
Check out the following list of the Best Combat/Weapon Keybinds For Fortnite:
- Fire: Left Mouse Button
- Use: Mouse Wheel Down and X
By binding Use to Scroll Wheel and X, you can normally pick up items with the scroll wheel, then replace a specific item with X's help when needed.
- Toggle Inventory: Tab
- Ping / Place Marker: Left Alt
- Target: Right Mouse Button
- Reload: R
- Harvesting Tool 1: 1
- Weapon Slot 1: 2
- Weapon Slot 2: 3
- Weapon Slot 3: 4
- Weapon Slot 4: 5
- Weapon Slot 5: 6
Keeping your healing items in your fifth and sixth weapons slots should be a priority for a player since one needs it a few times during the game. Also, keeping your weapon keybinds close will allow you to switch between your weapons quickly.
Moreover, you should keep your inventory button as Tab so if you get attacked while your hand is away from your movement keys or you are distracted, the split second of reaction can be the difference between life and death.
Best Combat Settings For Fortnite:
Here are some of the Best Combat Settings for Fortnite:
- Mark Danger When Targeting: On
- Hold to Swap Pickaxe: On
By enabling this setting, you can easily swap out your current weapon for the one lying on the ground, giving you control over your inventory.
- Auto Pick-Up Weapons: On
- Preferred Item Slots: On
- Loadout Slot 1: Assault Rifle
- Loadout Slot 2: Shotgun
- Loadout Slot 3: SMG
- Loadout Slot 4: Consumable Item
- Loadout Slot 5: Consumable Item
The Preferred Item Slots setting makes it easy to switch weapons with just muscle memory. After this setting is enabled, the weapon you pick up will be assigned to its respective categories slot.
So, early on in the game, when you are getting your hands on everything you can, your weapons will always be where you wish them to be.
- Toggle Targeting: Off
How To Change Your Keyboard Bindings In Fortnite
Some games allow players to copy and paste the pre-assembled configurations that would immediately allow them to use the newly updated settings, but Fortnite isn't one of them. It requires players to change each setting manually.
You will need to launch Fortnite and go to the Main Lobby, where you will see your character.
- Click on the three steps present on the top right of your screen
- Open settings found on the top of the list that will appear
- Head over to Keyboard Controls, which will have an icon of the movement arrows
- Go over each keybind and change them manually with the settings that you prefer