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GTA Online's Latest Vehicle Prices: Everything To Know

GTA Online's Latest Vehicle Prices: Everything To Know
Written by: Weeii

Hello to all GTA Online aficionados! Isn't it electrifying when Rockstar Games tosses in a curveball, keeping us all on our toes? This time, it's not about a new heist or a snazzy suit but something that gets our engines truly revving – the very vehicles we cruise, fly, and sometimes crash in Los Santos. Changes are afoot, and they've got everyone buzzing. Whether you're a racer, a high-flier, or just someone who enjoys a leisurely drive by the beach, you'll want to know about this. Dive in as we discuss the latest shifts in the GTA Online vehicle marketplace!




The Big Reveal: Vehicle Price Changes


Hang onto your virtual hats, folks, because Rockstar has thrown a twist into our GTA Online experience. Amidst all the action-packed missions and thrilling chases, they've decided to tweak the numbers where it really hurts (or helps!) - our in-game wallets. As we embraced the breezy vibes of April 2023, Rockstar rolled out a list, adjusting the price tags of 16 iconic vehicles. Some of these changes had us raising our eyebrows, while others had us sprinting to the nearest in-game dealership. Let's delve into what's got the GTA community chattering non-stop.

List of Vehicles with New Price Tags


For all the automobile aficionados and flight fanatics in the GTA universe, the latest price overhaul is quite the shake-up. Whether you're in the mood to splurge or just doing some virtual window shopping, this list has got you covered:



Cars That Make a Statement


  • Brute Armored Boxville: Now at $1,300,000
  • Declasse Granger 3600LX: A steal at $2,000,000
  • Declasse Scramjet: Zoom off with $4,000,000
  • Dewbauchee Champion: Yours for $3,750,000
  • Imponte Deluxo: Sky's the limit with $5,750,000


  • Imponte Ruiner 2000: Available for $3,750,000
  • Pegassi Oppressor: Take it home for $2,750,000
  • Pegassi Oppressor Mk II: Top-tier at $8,000,000
  • Pegassi Toreador: Dive in for $4,250,000
  • Pegassi Weaponized Ignus: Ignite the streets with $4,500,000



For Those With Sky-High Ambitions:


  • Buckingham Akula: Be airborne for $4,500,000
  • HVY Chernobog: Reach for the clouds with $1,500,000
  • Mammoth Thruster: Jet around for $2,500,000
  • Mammoth Tula: Cruise the blue yonder for $4,100,000
  • Ocelot Stromberg: A dual delight at $2,500,000
  • RM-10 Bombushka: Aerial supremacy at $4,750,000



As the dynamic world of GTA Online continues to evolve, these vehicle price adjustments serve as a testament to Rockstar's commitment to keeping the gameplay exciting and balanced. With some classics seeing a price bump and others becoming more affordable, players have new decisions to ponder when expanding their collection. It's a wild ride on the virtual streets of Los Santos, and with these changes, one thing's for sure: the journey is just as thrilling as the destination. Stay tuned, buckle up, and happy driving (or flying)!

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