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How to Find & Catch Beegarde in Palworld

How to Find & Catch Beegarde in Palworld
Written by: iamharoongill

Welcome to the enchanting world of Palworld, where different unique creatures await your discovery and mastery. Among these, Beegarde stands out as a particularly elusive and intriguing Pal. Capturing this creature might seem daunting due to its clever evasiveness and distinct abilities, but fear not! With the right approach and strategies, securing Beegarde for your collection is entirely achievable.


This guide will provide detailed insights and methods to find, engage, and ultimately catch Beegarde, enriching your Palworld adventure and your array of Pals. Stay tuned to uncover the secrets of finding and catching Beegarde, a valuable companion in your Palworld journey.




What is Beegarde in Palworld




In the vast universe of Palworld, Beegarde emerges as a creature of particular interest due to its Grass Elemental Type, which plays a crucial role in its behavior and habitat preferences. Recognized for its vibrant appearance and dynamic abilities, Beegarde is not just any Pal—it's a versatile companion that can significantly impact your gameplay.


Beegarde's distinct attributes extend beyond its aesthetic appeal, offering unique strategic benefits. As a creature adept in nature-based skills, it possesses abilities that can be pivotal in various game scenarios, especially in battles where elemental advantages can turn the tide. Moreover, Beegarde's "Worker Bee" Partner Skill is a game-changer for players focusing on resource accumulation, particularly in ranch operations.



Where to Find Beegarde in Palworld




Finding Beegarde is an adventure on its own, given its specific habitat preferences within the expansive realms of Palworld. To encounter this elusive Pal, trainers should head towards the Mossanda Forest, a verdant area teeming with life and the mystery of the unknown.


Key coordinates for Beegarde sightings include (275, -110), (112, 36), and (168, -223). These locations are notorious for Beegarde encounters, offering the highest probability of crossing paths with this coveted creature. It's recommended to explore these areas when you're around levels 20 to 25 to match the challenge Beegarde presents.



How to Catch Beegarde in Palworld




Successfully capturing Beegarde in Palworld requires a blend of strategic planning and tactical execution. Since Beegarde is a Grass Elemental Type Pal, understanding its vulnerabilities is key to formulating an effective capture strategy. Here are the steps and considerations to enhance your chances of capturing this elusive creature:


  1. Utilize Fire Element Pals: Leverage the elemental weakness of Beegarde by engaging in battles with Fire-type Pals. These Pals inflict more damage and can weaken Beegarde rapidly, making it easier to capture. Ensure your Fire-type Pals are well-leveled and equipped with robust skills to maximize their effectiveness in battle.
  2. Choose Superior Spheres: The type of sphere you use significantly impacts your capture success. Opt for superior spheres over basic ones to increase your odds. Superior spheres have a higher capture rate, which can be crucial in securing a Beegarde that's already weakened and less likely to escape.
  3. Weaken Beegarde Strategically: Before attempting to capture, reduce Beegarde's health to a minimal level without knocking it out. Monitor its health bar closely during the battle and use non-lethal attacks as it nears the capture threshold. A weakened Beegarde is much more susceptible to being captured successfully.
  4. Prevent Beegarde's Escape: Beegarde is known for its self-destruct ability, which can thwart your capture efforts. To prevent this, you might want to employ Pals or items that can impose status conditions like sleep or paralysis, thus hindering Beegarde's ability to use its escape mechanisms.
  5. Timing and Patience: Finally, timing your sphere throw is crucial. Wait for a moment when Beegarde is less agitated, increasing the likelihood of capture. Patience is key—rushing the process or getting frustrated can lead to mistakes. If your first attempt fails, regroup, heal your Pals if necessary, and try again with persistence.



Beegarde's Utility in a Ranch




Once you have successfully captured Beegarde in Palworld, it becomes an invaluable asset to your ranch, especially for those aiming to optimize their resource production. Beegarde's standout feature in a ranch setting is its "Worker Bee" Partner Skill, which allows it to produce honey, a versatile and valuable resource in the game.


Honey Production:


  • Assigning Beegarde to Your Ranch: To harness Beegarde's honey production, you need to assign it to your ranch. This is done by physically picking up Beegarde and placing it within the ranch boundaries.
  • Honey Harvesting: Over time, Beegarde will generate honey, which you can collect directly from it. This honey can be used for various purposes within the game, such as crafting, trading, or fulfilling specific quests.


Also Read: How to get Honey in Palworld



Resource Management:


  • Strategic Placement: Consider the placement of Beegarde within your ranch to ensure easy access to honey collection.
  • Automating Collection: Utilize Transporting Pals to automate the process of collecting honey from Beegarde and transferring it to a designated storage location, such as a Feed Box or Storage crate.


By effectively managing Beegarde within your ranch, you can establish a steady honey production line, boosting your resources and enabling more extensive game progression.



Maximize Beegarde's Potential




Beyond its utility in a ranch, Beegarde holds significant potential in various aspects of Palworld gameplay. Here are ways to maximize Beegarde's potential:


Combat Skills:


  • Leveraging Abilities: Utilize Beegarde's combat abilities like "Air Cannon," "Wind Cutter," and "Bee Quiet" to your advantage in battles. These skills can be particularly effective against certain types of Pals, giving you a strategic edge.
  • Skill Upgrades: As you progress, look for opportunities to enhance Beegarde's skills through training and items, increasing its effectiveness in offensive and defensive roles.


Breeding and Egg Hatching:


  • Beegarde can hatch from Verdant Eggs, offering a chance to breed Beegarde Pals with potentially superior stats or abilities.
  • Understanding the breeding mechanics can allow you to cultivate a lineage of Beegarde Pals tailored to your gameplay style, whether you focus on combat, resource production, or exploration.


Exploration and Questing:


  • Use Beegarde in your exploration endeavors across Palworld, leveraging its abilities to access new areas or gather specific resources.
  • Beegarde can also play a key role in completing certain quests, especially those requiring its unique skills or honey production.





Embarking on the quest to find and catch Beegarde in Palworld is an adventure filled with challenges and excitement. This unique Pal adds value through its combat and ranch utility and offers a rewarding experience as you strategize its capture and integration into your Palworld journey.


By following the detailed strategies for locating and capturing Beegarde, utilizing its skills effectively in your ranch, and maximizing its potential in various aspects of the game, you can significantly enhance your Palworld experience. Remember, patience and perseverance are key. With the right approach and a bit of persistence, you'll soon find yourself mastering the art of Pal handling with Beegarde as your trusted companion.

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