Best Omen One Ways For Haven

Mastering the intricacies of each agent is key to securing victory on the battlefield. One such agent, the shady fighter, shadow taker Omen, possesses a unique set of abilities that, when used correctly, can scatter the players and control the battlefield all to your advantage. Among his abilities is Dark Cover, a smoke that suppresses vision on a selected area allowing you to benefit from it by taking control and advancing into sites.
This guide will delve into the best Smoke One Ways for Omen in Haven. You'll discover not just the most advantageous spots, but also learn the correct timings, best tactics, and optimal scenarios to use these spots to maximum effect. Whether you're a seasoned Omen player looking to up your game, or a newcomer eager, this comprehensive guide is your ticket to becoming a controller menace in Valorant.
Omen - One Ways
Utilizing one ways over normal smokes can be detrimental and game changing as it shifts around how you and the enemy team will approach any area with that smoke included. Using one ways is a much more efficient options in certain spots as it turns it from a 50/50 situation to a 100 to your advantage. Here we will cover attacking and defensive spots, including retakes and specific scenarios with instructions on how to approach it as an omen player. Here you will find the best mixture that combines all of these aspects together:
What Does It Cover: This one way will efficiently take place at deep short. Blocking sight of anyone coming up to Site from Short, it is definitely a kicking option. It also will make it hard for drones and dogs to clear closer corners as the smoke will hide these corners.
When To Use It: Best used when defending A site and you know the enemy is going to take control of the Short area or if you sense any presence there.
What Makes It Good: The fact that this smoke gives you a 100% advantageous fight for your side makes it an absolute pick to defend A site at all times.
What Does It Cover: This smoke will instantly cover anyone coming up on A main. It efficiently stops any enemy from progressing into site as it gives you space to benefit from it from either site of site.
When To Use It: Best used to stop any attacking executes that imply exploding or bursting into site through A long. It will grant you free kills if a duelist tries to go through and it will buy you time if they choose not to.
What Makes It Good: The fact that this one way can help you get easy kills from various positions of site grants you more than a reason to use it in your next ranked match.
What Does It Cover: This one way will cover Short but in a more advanced manner into site. The prior smoke was deeper, while this one maintains giving more space to the enemy whilst balancing your own map control of A site at the same time.
When To Use It: Best used when enemies use a lot of utility to take control of A short as this will allow you to dump their utility and play for saving site.
What Makes It Good: The fact that this one way is an insta punish to anyone trying to push out of it makes it a perfect fit to go around in any round you are defending A in.
What Does It Cover: While this smoke does not cover any spot on site, it definitely will one way the default spike planting position on B site.
When To Use It: Only used as a post plant scenario, as on B you often need to get out of site when you plant it and this is an extremely efficient way of dealing with retaking enemies.
What Makes It Good: The fact that anyone trying to defuse will not be able to see you during the process makes it perfect to win these crucial close rounds.
What Does It Cover: This one way perfectly covers anyone coming up garage, often to C which makes it a great way to stop eco enemy executes towards this area of the map.
When To Use It: Best used as a way to keep control of Garage or Mid as this one way will isolate enemies from pushing and at the same time give you easy fights if they do peek you.
What Makes It Good: It is a unique one way, and pretty much the only one you can use for Garage so it is undeniably your option.
Pro Tips
- It is entirely up to preference, but pressing “R” will shift the view in your smoke ability to be in the real map, making it easier to identify and tell where your smokes are getting placed. You can always switch between these two options for what suits you best.
- Using one ways means you are looking to turn that smoke from a cover to a possible fight. Only that you will have every advantage in that fight, meaning if you ever use a one way you should definitely watch over it and take control of that space unlike regular smokes that you use to deny enemies.
- There is a green arrow when you are using your smoke that refers to where your ability is going to be casted, following the instructions and that arrow you will be even able to create any smoke as long as you can identify where it is going to be placed.
- Remember that each one way has an advantageous and disadvantage side, meaning if you are to place a one way as an attacker, this means if you ever end up repositioning to the spot you smoked you will be the one at a disadvantage, always make sure you are on the right side doing the right play.
- By placing your smokes higher it will take more time for it to float down and reach the supposed area, this allows you to create some creative and unique plays if you wish to do so.