The Best Yoru Teleports On Fracture

This will be the only guide you need on the best TP spots for Yoru on the map Fracture.
While Yoru has always been an underwhelming agent in the duelist role, many still believe that his abilities can open up room for creative and unstoppable plays.
Fracture is one of the overwhelming maps that require smart strategic ways to approach on both defensive and attacking sides. Uniquely, it is one of the few maps that allow duelists like Yoru to shine and frag out.
In this article, we will explore his abilities and highlight the best teleports for each key location on Fracture. Whether you're a veteran player or just starting out, this guide will provide you with the knowledge to control and dominate your opponents with Yoru effectively. Get ready to take your gameplay to the next level!
Teleport Lineups - Attacking Side
While duelists are often associated with aggressive playstyles and flashy plays to open up sites and get entries, it might not be the case with all such as with Yoru. This agent leans more toward the deceiving playstyle; mastermind of games and tricks to get to the desired goal. With your kit, you don’t want to just run in looking for aim duels, you rather create a play where your enemy is completely unable to react. We will show you the best set of plays to do on Yoru:
A Site:

Starting off with A site on Fracture, you will be aiming to teleport in the corner under site where you can catch any sentinel or player off guard. This is especially useful paired with a flash on site and against site holders such as Cypher and Killjoy.
Simply stand in A main and look at the corner of this box. This teleport will travel and get to the corner shown in the picture above. After your TP reaches the destined location, you can walk up into A main and throw a flash against the wall or ground to blind anyone on A site.
Remember that the flashes shown in pictures are where you’re supposed to BOUNCE the flash from. Not where it should land!
Alternatively, you might be coming from dish to take control of A site and here’s how you can do that. Sands is a pretty important area for attackers, it is crucial to place pressure into any possible rotations or help from split defenders. So in this setup you will aim to make presence on Dish and then teleporting on Sand with a flash.
All you have to do is come up to this corner on Dish and aim at the line on the wall just as shown in the picture above. Then you can easily walk up, shoot here and there to make presence and then throw a flash where its shown on the picture or where you find most suiting.
B Site:

For B site, the most crucial part is Towers. You will never find success executing B site unless you have obtained towers control or have a strong post plant position and scenario going on. Paired with a flash on Site, this will grant you easy entries almost always.
Simply come up to B main, after you’ve cleared any operator or early peeker stand in this corner and look at that edge of the wall then place your teleport. Then flash and execute. Don’t forget to immediately clear towers before clearing site, and don’d do that in enemy eco rounds as they might be doing a shotgun strategy.
If you’re coming from Arcade then this setup for you. It is rather situational but very effective. Assuming you’ve come late to the site execute and defenders are really on the retake, you can be a game changer by teleporting into Gen and shaking their lines.
All you have to do is stand behind this box on Arcade, which you can as well flash against to make some presence. And then, enable your teleport when you are sure enemies are crossing and that they have already cleared Generator. Otherwise, you might teleport at the wrong timing and get slammed.
Teleport Lineups - Defending Side
Duelists don’t serve much compared to other roles on defense. Or do they? In a defensive side your job as a duelist is so to be the aggression firepower so you can still maintain pressure on the enemy whilst not overextending. With Yoru, you can be a flank machine and place unbelievable pressure as long as you use your utility the right way. Here’s how you can do that:
A Site:

Best perk of yoru is how you can instantly flank enemies on defense. Usually, attackers set alarm bots and ways to cover flank and they will never expect you to be behind them right at the start of the round without triggering any of those. In this setup you will flash from top site as attackers come out on A site and then teleport into the back of A main.
Here’s how you can do that setup shown above. Just aim around that area of the wall of A main as you’re on Top Site. You don’t need to put yourself in any dangerous positions which is a plus.
Another quick and easy setup but yet effective, is instantly teleporting on Sand behind enemies that have crossed. In this, you aim to make presence and let attackers know you’re on top site, possibly flash and take a few duels and then when they progress into sand flash against drop and teleport.
It’s very straightforward, just come down into stairs of A site and look straight to that wall where your teleport will be on A sands.
B Site:

Into B site, the best way to flank attackers is by teleporting into the small cubby they have on B main. There, you might be smoked off so make sure you account for that possibility and make up a good timing for it.
All you have to do is sit behind the greenboxes and aim around the middle leaning towards the right side and watch your teleport get to the desired location. After that flash against the wall behind you or next to you and then teleport.
Pro Tip: For any of the setups above, you can always fake teleport if you just want to change your pace or confuse the enemies. Best done after you’ve already performed them once to make your enemies believe into the fake.