The Best Viper Walls and Smokes on Ascent

Contrary to other maps Viper is not the most picked controller on Ascent. Agents such as Brimstone, Astra, and even Omen see more playing time. Despite not being a must-pick Agent you can still find a lot of value with Viper on Ascent.
Her kit makes her very useful on the defensive side, helping a lot when it comes to closing down bombsites. She is also great at blocking the enemy's vision when executing into a bombsite, being an overall great Agent to take control of important parts of the map.
If you want to know the best way to play Ascent and how to find more success on the map we got you covered with our Ascent Map Guide.
Learning all the callous in the map is also very important since Valorant is a game where communication is key, so be sure to read our Ascent Map Callouts Guide.
Without further ado, let's see what are the best Viper Walls and Smokes on Ascent.
Viper Walls and Smokes on Ascent A Bombsite
Defensive Wall
This wall blocks the enemy's vision to the bombsite, the short entrance, and also the MID entrance. It's great to stall enemies and also to help mid if your teammates want to reposition or play in a more defensive position.
Execute A Wall
This toxin screen cuts the A bombsite in half. It makes it much easier for you and your teammates to get into the plant area of the bombsite. It blocks the enemy's vision, but be careful since if the enemy is playing on the right side of heaven they will be able to see over the smoke, despite also being very open and vulnerable.
A Main One Way Smoke
Aim at the top of the rectangle where the crosshair is placed and do a normal Left-click ( you have to do it while the barrier is still up)
This one way blocks the enemy's vision to the bombsite and allows you, and your teammates, to play from anywhere in the bombsite. You will be able to see the enemies first giving you a huge advantage.
Tree One Way Smoke
Aim at the bottom right of the lamp, and then do a simple jumping right-click throw.
It completely blocks the enemy's vision while you can play from tree or even garden and see the feet of the attackers. Tree is a difficult area to control and this one way makes it much easier.
Garden One Way Smoke
Point where the crosshair is ( above the lamp) and do a left-click throw.
A more defensive one way. This poison cloud blocks the enemy's vision to garden, making it harder to cross to the plant area of the bombsite. You can see the players passing through while they are forced to push the poison cloud in order to be able to see you. This makes it easier to defend tree and garden.
Viper Walls and Smokes on Ascent B Bombsite
Defensive Wall
A standard defensive wall. This toxic screen blocks the vision of the B entrance, garden, and deep mid. With this wall, you can help your teammate in Mid, if he wants to play a more passive and defensive position, or if he just needs to reposition. It's the most useful defensive toxic screen you can deploy from the B bombsite.
Execute B Wall
This toxic screen blocks the vision from Market and CT. It makes it much easier and safer to enter the bombsite.
B Main Orb Control Smoke
From the corner where you can see in the minimap, aim at where the crosshair is and do a normal left-click throw.
A more aggressive poison cloud. It allows you to take control of B Main, and play in a forwarding position that will allow you to gain a lot of information. It also makes it much easier to claim the orb and denies the enemy team some area control and the orb. Forcing them to spend utility to fight over that area of the map.
B Main One Way Smoke
Stand against the left side edge to the door. Aim at the bottom of the lamp and do a jump right-click.
A great one-way smoke that blocks the vision from the enemies that are entering through B Main. This poison cloud it's great to stop the enemy rush, and you can play from multiple positions, such as market, or boat for example.
Market Smoke
Aim at where the crosshair is (white outline of the cloud) and do a normal left-click throw.
This poison cloud blocks the vision from the players in Market, and forces them to expose themselves in order to bein able to see to main. It makes it safer for you and your teammates to enter the bombsite, and it's one less spot you need to worry about.
Viper Wall and Smokes on Ascent Mid
Cat Walk Smoke
Aim at where the crosshair is and do a left-click throw
This poison cloud completely blocks the enemy's vision from the top mid. It makes it easier for your teammates to play more aggressively on mid and gain some map control.
B-Link One Way Smoke
Aim at where the crosshair is and do a normal left-click throw
It allows your teammate that is playing short to play more aggressively. With this poison cloud the enemy's vision from B-Link is blocked, and it makes it harder for them to gain Mid control.
Mid One Way Smoke
Point at where the crosshair is and do a left-click throw.
It makes it harder for the enemies to enter Mid Bottom. This poison smoke allows the player son Mid bottom to see the enemies in Mid courtyard, while the enemies have their vision blocked by the smoke. It makes it much easier to defend Mid bottom, and the enemies will have a harder time taking control of that part of the map.