Best Sova Ultimate Spots On Pearl

This one is to all of you Sova mains. This recon master is a game-changer when it comes to gathering intel for your team. But let's be real, hitting that perfect Ultimate can often be the difference between bragging rights and a facepalm moment. The joy of eliminating enemies through walls is unmatchable.
But where do you fire that thing? Randomly, hoping to hit someone by pure luck? Nope, you're better than that. Knowing the best spots to unleash your ultimate can take you from a good Sova to a great one. Here you will see the best ultimates spots on Pearl:
Attacking Side
A Site
Usage: If you’re looking to use your ultimate for an A execute, you can either launch it randomly and target important places such as back site, art and CT / Secret. Or, you can use your drone or an arrow to target an enemy, typically a Sentinel holding down site, and then use your ultimate for best results.
Usage: Alternatively on A site, you can push through Art, which is a narrow space making it perfect for you to execute with your ultimate. There is a little window from A main that overlooks to Art, you can arrow that and use your ultimate accordingly, this will assure you to clear Art.
B Site
Usage: Over to B site, you should prioritize the information taken within the round. It is best to avoid using it on B halls as enemies can just dodge your ultimate in cover much easier, so ulting mid site, link or Heaven is going to be a pretty efficient idea.
Defending Side
A Site
Usage In this particular instance, you will be using your ultimate to stop enemies from planting on default. You can also swerve your ultimate to capture ones who have positioned into site, cubby or so on. Make sure nobody is going to push you from CT.
Usage: This is one of the best ultimates you can execute on the defensive A side, if enemies are going for a hard push on Art it is a pretty good idea to immediately take action and execute that area. It is narrow and there isn’t a lot of escape room, giving you an edge in this situation.
Usage: If you’re playing on B site, you can always try to dart or drone from B halls to tag at least 1 enemy. After you’ve done that, use your ultimate and possibly have one of your teammates peek to capture dismantled enemies that are trying to dodge your ultimate.
Usage: In case enemies opted for a B link push and left B long free, you can take that space quickly and ult from this spot. This will definitely grant you at least 3 kills if you do it right, as all you need is information and timing to execute a perfect ult given how narrow B link is.
Pro Tips
- When using your ultimate, make sure that you start it in a safe position. Even if you seem far away from enemies, a Jett can dash right at you if you’re not in a seemingly safe spot. That’s why, you should always do it from further away or around teammates.
- Remember that Sova’s ultimate costs 8 Orbs, meaning you will not be able to use it as much except you are killing multiple enemies a round. And that is unrealistic when it comes to consistency, so make sure you grab those ultimate orbs anytime you see the chance to.
- Your ultimate is best used with a Drone or an Arrow, as this will help you capture a target much more easily and grant yourself a pick whenever you activate it.
- You could use your ultimate for different purposes, for example, you can use it as an Entry if your team struggles to find first picks. That is of course with the usage of reveals first. Or use it to help the duelist explode on site by isolating and clearing angles.
- You can always cancel your ultimate by pressing “X” or whatever you bound the ult key to, this works well for either faking an opponent or if you hear someone pushing you up close and decide to play it safe and stop the ult.
- When you use your ultimate, it gives you a temporary boost upwards, you can use that to get on spots you aren’t able to regularly as Sova, however, this is more about fun experimenting as you will not gain anything sacrificing your ultimate to get somewhere.
- Beware that your ultimate applies damage on teammates, however, if you have to do so in order to hit an enemy you should prioritize that as the team damage dealt is minimized to avoid issues like killing your own team consistently.