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Sentinels Is At Risk Of Running Out Of Money

Sentinels Is At Risk Of Running Out Of Money
Written by: Wei

Sentinels Exposes That They Are At Risk Of Shutting Down


Sentinels, our fan-favorite team might be in financial trouble after a memo was revealed to its investors. The organization was listed on the investor crowdfunding platform “StartEngine” after a successful testing phase.

The company said it saw over 100 investors that put money to reserve shares in return for a number of perks and benefits they get based on how much money they put in and how quickly. 


However, this did not last long as it was revealed in a memo by Sentinels that they are running into financial trouble and that failure to raise minimum/maximum funds might result in Sentinel being able to operate for only 2-3 months


And if they are able to raise the maximum goal and reach it, which is around $1.2 million dollars the company estimates they will be able to run for 4-5 months, which is still a short period. 


Sentinels revealed that they spend around $700,000 on salaries for professional players and content creators. 


In addition to that, the memo shows the salaries of the executives operating the organization, in which all 4 receive around $200,000 per year, which adds to the financial exhaust of the organization. 


Moreover, in regards to their professional player salaries, as we know the team did not end up qualifying which could add even more dust to the situation, that could be why the company is coming to a hard financial state. 

Although, that does not mean anything is confirmed. As we know, Sentinels introduced Sen City which could be impactful towards a positive side to help the company continue. 

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