Mastering Sniping in Warzone 2: A Comprehensive Guide

Sniping has always been a key aspect of the Call of Duty franchise, and it remains crucial in the battle royale mode, Call of Duty Warzone. In this game, where maps offer expansive open spaces, mastering sniping can truly give you an edge. However, becoming a skilled sniper is no easy feat. If you're finding it challenging to hit your shots, don't worry - this guide is here to assist you in enhancing your sniping skills in Call of Duty Warzone.
Enhancing Your Accuracy
Having precise aim is unquestionably crucial when it comes to effectively utilizing a sniper rifle. Unlike other weapon categories such as assault rifles (AR), submachine guns (SMG), or light machine guns (LMG), snipers simply cannot afford to miss their shots. To improve your aiming abilities, take into account the following helpful tips:
Adjust Your Settings
To optimize your aiming experience, begin by adjusting the in-game settings to your preference. Factors such as brightness, sensitivity, and field of view (FOV) can all have an impact. Don't hesitate to experiment with these settings until you find a perfect balance that aligns with your playstyle.
Movement and Scoping out the Surroundings
In Warzone, staying still while scoped in can be incredibly risky. To maintain accuracy and
increase your chances of survival, it's important to practice strafing and adjusting your aim while scoped. This skill may take some time to master, but it's crucial for staying alive when enemies have spotted you.
Bullet Drop
The great news is that bullet drop is not something to worry about in Call of Duty Warzone.
Unlike other games, there's no need to make major adjustments for bullet drop. As long as you keep your crosshairs on the target, hitting your shots shouldn't be a problem.
Understanding the importance of positioning is as essential as mastering aim for a sniper. The success of a sniper greatly relies on their strategic placement. Here are some tips to consider when deciding your position:
Start High, but Be Cautious
When you enter the game, try to land on the rooftops of tall buildings. This will give you a valuable advantage with a clear view of the surrounding area, making it easier to take shots at targets on the streets. However, be cautious as other players might have the same strategy, and rooftop battles can become intense.
Avoid Buildings
As the game progresses and the playing area becomes smaller, it's best to avoid staying inside buildings. Snipers are less effective in tight hallways and confined spaces. Instead, try sticking to outdoor areas where natural foliage can hide you and provide moving cover. Rocks and trees offer better options for cover than buildings and can help you catch your opponents off guard.
Be Stealthy
When positioning yourself as a sniper, it's crucial to prioritize stealth and avoid any unnecessary noise or movements that could potentially reveal your location. Patience and stealth are vital qualities for achieving success in sniping.
Also Read: How to Improve Your Aim in Call of Duty: A Comprehensive Guide
Dealing with Vehicles
Snipers in Warzone often face challenges when dealing with vehicles. Here are some effective strategies to handle them:
Avoid Using Vehicles
When playing as a sniper, it is generally more advantageous to travel on foot rather than using vehicles. This is because vehicles are larger, noisier, and draw attention from other players. By walking through the map, even though it may be slower, you maintain a lower profile and reduce the risk of being spotted.
Avoid Shooting at Vehicles
It's usually not worth your time and ammunition to shoot at vehicles. They move fast, making it difficult to hit them accurately. Furthermore, snipers are not the best for disabling vehicles or eliminating players inside them. Instead, concentrate on finding a good position and engaging enemies who are on foot.
In Call of Duty Warzone, players have access to a range of sniper rifles, each with unique attributes and drawbacks. Since there isn't a universally ideal sniper rifle, it's essential to try out different options and discover the one that aligns best with your preferred gameplay style.
Try Different Snipers
Try out various sniper rifles in different games to determine which one feels the most comfortable and intuitive for you. Each sniper rifle features distinct characteristics, including stopping power, accuracy, and bullet velocity. Identifying the rifle that truly resonates with your playstyle is the initial stride towards mastering the art of sniping.
Secondary Weapon
When choosing a secondary weapon to complement your sniper rifle, it is worth considering carrying a light machine gun (LMG). Here's why:
High Ammo Capacity
Light machine guns (LMGs) are known for their larger magazines and capacity to carry more ammunition compared to submachine guns (SMGs) or assault rifles. This feature becomes especially crucial in situations where you come across multiple enemies or require sustained fire.
LMGs are effective in close to medium range combat situations, providing versatility for handling different scenarios when enemies come too close for sniping.
Additional Tips
If you want to improve your effectiveness as a sniper, here are some additional tips to help you stay hidden and undetected:
Wear Dark Outfits
To improve your ability to hide from enemies in the game, try wearing dark-colored outfits that blend into the shadows and foliage of the environment. Avoid wearing bright or flashy clothes that will make you stand out and be easily spotted.
Avoid Using Sprays
Although sprays can be entertaining, they can also reveal your location to opponents. Bright and conspicuous sprays like red hearts and green skulls are easily spotted from afar. It's best to use sprays during non-combat moments to avoid giving away your position.
Also Read: Best Graphic Settings to Improve FPS In Warzone 2
Becoming a skilled sniper in Call of Duty Warzone requires dedication and practice, but the rewards are worth it. To excel as a sniper, focus on improving your aim and selecting the optimal positions to attack from. Additionally, strategize how to effectively handle vehicles, experiment with various loadouts, and utilize camouflage and stealth techniques. Remember that honing your sniping abilities takes time, so be patient and persistent in your training. With practice and determination, you'll soon be hitting those long-range shots with precision. Best of luck on the battlefield!