Everything we know about Valorant's Lore (2022)

A lot of the things in Valorant Lore are unique and interesting. You may be wondering just how Agents are connected to the world of Valorant.
Valorant brings many unique features to the FPS genre. Additionally, each agent has a unique gameplay style, making the games much more interesting. Despite that, did you know that there is something interesting about the story in this game? Actually, you will not find much information about the Valorant storyline. It's because Riot Games likes to keep it a secret and hasn't released all of the content yet. However, there are a few interesting Valorant lore facts you can learn.
Since the release of the game, the lore of Valorant has expanded greatly. From the beginning to the present, we're going to take a look at what's happening in the world of Valorant, how the story wraps up, and important events in the timeline.
What is the truth behind the stories of Agents from Valorant? Let's look into Valorant lore.
The Awakening of Strange Powers and The First Light
In the year 2039, the first light occurred all over the globe, and this begins the story of Valorant Lore. A new element called Radianite appeared in massive quantities as the light rings of light appeared. Materials like this are capable of things that humans have never experienced before.
Furthermore, Radianite is far more powerful than anything humans have used before; people who ingested significant amounts of Radianite started experiencing strange symptoms, such as they began to gain superpowers.
Through Radianite, people were given special gifts such as superpowers, and they were called Radiants. Radiants, however, did not possess the same abilities; some of them were able to do very small things, while others had abilities such as crossing realities, bringing back the dead, or even creating immortality.
Valorant Protocol and Hiring of Agents
Even though Radiants could use their powers for good, a temptation still existed to use them in any way they wanted. In order to keep these new groups of people under control, something had to be done, so a shadow organization funded by a global corporation named the Kingdom came up with the Valorant protocol.
As a result of the Valorant protocol, a group of Radiants and non-Radiants gathered together under one leadership to help protect the planet in the event that any Radiants around the globe decided to go rogue. In the beginning, it had only a few agents like Brimstone, Viper, Omen, and Sage, but it has grown into a team of 19 agents over time.
The Kingdom Organization
There are different facilities across the world belonging to the kingdom. When the first light occurred, they established themselves as an energy company quickly harnessing Radianite's raw energy and refining it in order to power civilization. In literal terms, the kingdom powered three-quarters of the world's energy needs. Just one business powering civilization all over the world.
The kingdom's scientists, however, discovered new uses for Radianite. It allowed them to create advanced weapons with the material and they were able to make devices they could only imagine before, and that is essentially what agents of the Valorant protocol used in order to fight dangerous Radiants if necessary.
The Radianite-powered weapons can transform them into a force to be reckoned with, no matter what their own weak points were such as no special powers like Killjoy. There is a new threat emerging in the environment that will challenge the collective powers of the protocol, a threat referred to as Mirror Earth, which will challenge the entire environment.
Mirror Earth and Mirror Agents
Because of Mirror Earth, now you can see in Valorant, the agents fight each other in each match, such as the Omen fighting the Omen and the Killjoy fighting the Killjoy. It is unknown how Mirror Earth came to be, whether it always existed or whether it began to exist once the first light happened in 2039.
The name describes exactly what it is: a replica based on our earth, but in a completely different dimension. Mirror Earth has its own kingdom organization, its own Valorant protocol, and its own challenges, with the greatest challenge being that Radianite is running out. Mirror earth Radianite is rapidly running out, so their only option is to raid the other planet if they want to save their planet.
Those on mirror earth have discovered a way to travel between their reality and another via teleporters that they built to acquire Radianite from other planets, which led to the Venice incident of 2049, the first known example of such a phenomenon. We have just reached the first major catastrophe in Valorant's timeline, ten years after the first light.
The Venice disaster
An agent was sent with a device called the Spike from mirror earth, according to the Valorant protocol on earth one. When installed nearby a large supply of Radianite, the Radianite will be transported to Mirror Earth from Earth One. Agent Phoenix was tasked with stopping "Jett", the robotic thief from mirror Earth. Sage asks Phoenix to do anything he can to prevent Jett from planting the spike, as they are not sure what the outcome will be if it goes off.
As Phoenix closed in on mirror earth Jett, his overconfidence got the best of him. But Jett's desire to survive is fueled by the desire to save Mirror Earth. So she was able to slay Earth One's phoenix. The true horror of the spike's actions was revealed when Phoenix awoke, surrounded by wreckage and buildings flying in the air.
In Venice, Italy, part of the city is hanging off the ground and has been doing so for quite some time. Radianite stock prices plunged because the kingdom failed to warn the public about the dangers of Radianite. Most of the public believes it was nothing more than a Radianite disaster instead of the real danger called mirror earth which also has Radianite.
Many battles were fought at the kingdom's sites. All of the maps in Valorant are connected in some way to the kingdom. Whether it’s Radianite transportation facility on Icebox, refinery on the Bind, the headquarters of the kingdom on the map Split, storage plant on Haven, all of these locations has been attacked by mirror earth to obtain Radianite.
Agents Duality Reveled
A second attack is launched on the kingdom refinery of map Bind in robot Morocco the next day after the Venice incident of 2049. When Viper and Phoenix came to Killjoy's aid, she was already defending the site. Killjoy does not know how to stop the spike planted by the mirror agent.
Following a quick display of his powers, Phoenix sets off in pursuit of the mirror agent, only to find out that the enemy looks just like him. In Phoenix's shock and hesitation at watching his duplicate on earth, he discovers that the people that have been attacking earth one are their duplicates.
Agent Viper comes to help the stunned earth one phoenix during this time, giving the mirror earth phoenix time to escape. They arrive back at the spike, and then Killjoy employs the radiant core as a source of power in order to make a diffuser.
The spike is defused and the area is secure, the three prepare to return and resume their journey back in their military plane. Phoenix has a lot of questions and demands answers from Viper. She confirms to him that she will ask Brimstone to be more informed of the details they know.
In the last scene, the fleeing Phoenix clone undoubtedly arrives at his base, and he is taken to task by Jett, blaming him for his failure. Viper, no doubt a clone of the same Viper appears and announces that they will deploy the Spike as a team to counter the defenders.
Finally, a scene shows a second planet, a clone of planet Earth, we are probably facing a meeting of parallel worlds.
Icebox Retake
Several months have passed since the last mirror earth attack, but this time the attack happens at the kingdom shipping site of the icebox. The Phoenix made yet another return to defend the zone along with Yoru, a radiant who was added to the protocol after this mission. Even though they were outnumbered, they managed to stop the spike from going off once again.
The Agent Relationship
Some of the agents in Valorant have unique relationships. Raze, for example, once stole Killjoy's technology to make his Boom Bot weapon. Meanwhile, Brimstone and Omen had fought together. Meanwhile, it seems that none of the Agents have sentiments towards each other excessively.
It could be that each agent has a good relationship because they have worked together on a mission. Apparently, we still have to wait for some content such as cinematic trailers or even confirmation about more lore in the future.