Best Way To Play Tejo On Fracture

Here you will find everything you need to know about how to utilize Tejo’s abilities to the best extent possible. While Tejo is relatively new, there are many ways to achieve creative plays. We will take you through a guide of some of the better usages for Tejo’s abilities on Fracture:
Attacking Side
A Site
Usage: When pushing A on fracture, it is definitely worth investing your utility on site. Most likely to do so under site and not top, except you are sure someone is hiding there. Follow that up with a bounced stun to stairs, and you’ve got yourself a very easy entry.
Usage: Another way to push A is going to be from dish. Although, it is still better to use your missiles on site as you push, you can alternate your stun and have your duelist dash or slide to capture any stunned enemies, which is going to be a free kill for them, and a free assist for you.
B Site
Usage: On B, if you are pushing through arcade, it will be a great idea to launch your missiles behind the box and on Heaven. This stops enemies from peeking you from above or hiding behind the box, and then use your stun bounced off the wall to cover CT, and this will be the smoothest entry to B Arcade.
Usage: And now for a B main push, you will be using your missiles to cover Tower while you stun default to avoid anyone hiding there. This is typically great if there is a sentinel on site as they have to be in one of these positions.
Defending Side
A Site
Usage: The meta play on A defense is to take control of A main. Especially if you have a breach where you can stun off steps and peek or nade, you can do something similar with Tejo. You just have to place your stun and missiles off enemy steps walking up A main, and maybe combine teammate utility to make sure you get kills.
Usage: If enemies are pushing dish, no problem, just place your utility as follows and you are guaranteed no one can walk up on you to A site. Very easy to delay or take control of that area as it is very narrow.
B Site
Usage: On B site, you would want to stun Arcade and then hit B main with your missiles to stop progress from both openings. This delays enemies getting into site and further more ensures to deal damage, which will probably make it easier for you to spam through smokes.
A Site
Usage: If you want to utilize your ultimate on A site, the best way to do it is to sandwich enemy right at the start of the round. Have your teammates push B, and do this ultimate similar to Breach’s aggressive one on A and voila. Free kills!
B Site
Usage: Tejo’s Ultimate on B site can be very powerful as you can completely wipe tower if anyone is playing there. This will ensure any Sentinel or defensive player on that spot is going to get killed, and it also gives you a lot of space and pressure to push with.
- When using your stun ability, you can send it off with a “Right Click” instead of a left click to make it bounce one time. If you left click it, it’ll explode upon first hit.
- Your missiles take quite some time to activate, so always be aware when using them if an enemy will peek you instead of running away.
- Your ultimate’s direction can be adjusted however you like. Don’t stick to one format, get creative to get the most out of it.