Apex Legends Imperial Guard Collection Event: Skins, Animations & Heirloom Leaks

Collection Events have become a primary feature in the Apex Legends seasons and bring plenty of new skins, animations, and even more to Respawn’s Battle Royale title. Season 16 of the game has officially been released and is shaping up to be no different.
It will be joined by the Sun Squad as well as the Veiled Collection Events, but with it most likely to come first, here is everything one should know about the Imperial Collections Event.
Is There A Release Date?
As of right now, we do not have a release date for the Imperial Collections Event. Nevertheless, we can provide you with a pretty good guess on the basis of what we know, as well as the fact the roadmap suggests that the Mixtape playlist will be coming with Imperial Guard.
Previously, Respawn has stated that the TDM will have its very own playlist for a couple of weeks before being cycled out in favor of Mixtape. Some rumored and leaked released dates also back up this information, further pushing March 21st as a potential release date for the Imperial Guard Collection Event.
However, it is important to point out that this information is unconfirmed and will remain as such until Respawn or EA make any official announcements. The 2023 Anniversary Collection Event also began with Season 16 and still has its entire course to run.
Imperial Guard Collection Event Leaks: Skins, Animations & Wraith Heirloom Set
Owing to the reputable data miner Senos, we now know more or less all of the content that is currently chalked to come with the Imperial Guard. This could essentially change based on the development process and will remain unconfirmed until Respawn releases any official details.
However, for now, we expect a host of frames, holosprays, emotes, and new Legendary skins for Wraith, Revenant, Loba, and Gibraltar. It also seems like there will be another Heirloom Set for Wraith, known as the Hope’s Dawn.
This will be joined by a Mythic frame as well as a “Practice Makes Perfect” emote. We have also now had our first look at the weapon skins that will drop with this event. There are some fantastic and creative designs, with Cursed Guardian and Cerulean Slayer standing out so far.