How Does the Ping System Work in Apex Legends?

Pinging in online video games is a great form of communication. It doesn't matter whether you and your squad are on a voice call or not, nothing comes close to being able to pinpoint the exact location in which an enemy or an item of interest is.
And it's not just basic pinging either. Apex Legends lets players be specific about what they are highlighting - so there is no confusion. Whether it's an enemy, a cool item, the impending doom of a circle, or just something interesting to stare at - the game lets you be specific in what you're pointing out to your squad mates.
So, how does the pinging system in Apex Legends work? And how can you best utilize it in every match? Let's jump into our guide and find out.
How to Use Pinging in Apex Legends Like an Expert
Pinging in Apex Legends is one of the most important features of the game. There are far more options than any other game offers, which makes sense because there are so many different types of actions and items in the game.
There are four categories of pings in Apex Legends. And we’ll be going over all of them, so that you always know which one to go for in any situation.
Locations and Items
The first and most common type of pings in Apex Legends are those that you use to mark your environment. The default ping just makes your character highlight a location and a voice line plays that says, ‘let’s go here’.
But when you highlight specific things, it’s different. And anything that you pin will be instantly visible to your squad mates, which makes it a very crucial part of teamwork. There are many different types of things that you can ping, most of which come with a unique voice line. These include:
- Weapons or loot items
- Death Boxes
- Doors
- Care Packages
- Replicators
- Supply Ships
- Cargo Bots
- Ziplines
- Jump Towers
- Skydive Launchers
- Respawn Beacons
- Survey Beacons
And the list goes on. Almost everything interactable in the game can be pinged – and many things that you cannot interact with too.
Competitive Pinging
If you use the ping wheel in Apex Legends, you get options that you normally wouldn’t. You can use these to highlight your enemies to your squad mates, which is very useful – especially if you’re not on a voice call.
These options include things like:
- Enemy Here
- Looting Here
- Attacking Here
- Going Here
- Watching Here
- Someone’s Been Here
These options are not just about your enemies, because they also just let your squad mates know that you’re doing something specific. And the point of that is that they will then give you some cover because you’re in a vulnerable situation.
Furthermore, you can also ping things like the location of your Death Box, which lets your friends retrieve your banner.
Vocal Pings
Vocal pings are for those players who like to be more specific in Apex Legends. And they can certainly be seen as compensation for players who don’t have an active microphone.
These options let you do things like saying ‘OK’, ‘No’, ‘I Can’t’, and ‘I’ll Join You’. All of which are small but apt responses for different social situations that a character can be in.
Furthermore, there is a ‘Dibs’ option that lets your squad mates know that you want a specific item. There are many pings that fall under this category as the game lets you highlight almost everything that you can see. And these usually have some voice line with them, which adds more life to the experience.
Pings Specific to Legends
Legends have specific pings too, which are directly related to their special abilities. For example, Bloodhound pings Tracker clues to report to teammates. Ash’s passive ability allows her to ping enemies by interacting with Death Boxes. Crypto, while in drone view, can ping a banner to display how many squads are nearby.
Not every single legend comes with a specific ping, so it just depends on which ones you pick. And all of them can use any of the other pings that we’ve mentioned too – so you don’t have to worry about missing out on any of these options.
How to Utilize the Pinging System in Apex Legends
When it comes to utilizing the pinging system in Apex Legends, the first thing that you need to know is that you shouldn’t spam it. If you spam too much, your squad mates might become numb to it and not pay enough attention. So, you should try to only use them when it really matters – such as when you’re highlighting enemies or great loot.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the pings change every time you’re doing something specific. For example, when you’re about to land, your pings are completely different to how they will be after you have landed. And this is also true for whether you’re just pinging things or holding the wheel to find more specific options.
And last but not least, there are some quick responses in the game too for things like thanking your team if they ping an item that you happen to pick up later.
Apex Legends is a game that you’re supposed to play cooperatively with your squad, so it’s no surprise that the game has dozens of unique pings that you can use. So, even if you don’t have voice chat activated – you still don’t have any excuses to be a lone wolf!
One way or another, we hope that you found this guide helpful and now understand the pinging system of Apex Legends better. Even if you regularly get on calls with your friends when playing, it’s still a good idea to at least get used to pinging enemies and good loot. Because it’s easier to see things than to always describe them.
While you’re still browsing EsportsDriven, make sure to check out more of our helpful Apex Legends guides too.