All Valorant Maps And Their Callouts

Valorant is one of the most played games in the world. Since its release in 2020 Riot Games FPS has cemented itself as one of the best competitive games in the Esports scene.
The maps in Valorant are all very well designed, with each one having different characteristics
that force you to adapt your playstyle to the map. From teleports on Bind, ropes on Split, and a map with three sites like Haven.
In this article, we will guide you throw all the maps in Valorant. Teaching you the callouts in different maps, their layout, the gimmicks, and how to use them to your advantage.
Here is everything you need to know about the Valorant maps.
How many maps does Valorant have?
Currently, Valorant has seven maps. The maps are Split, Bind, Haven, Ascent, Icebox, and Fracture.
Every map is different. While some favor the attacking side others are more defensive side. There are different gimmicks in every map that you can take advantage of while defending or attacking.
So let's dive deep into all the maps.
Split is one of the most defensive side maps in Valorant. The map is very small, having probably the smallest "mid" of all the maps. Since it's easy to block the entrances or cover them, the attacking side normally has a tough time on this map.
Split gimmicks are the ropes that allow the players to quickly rotate.
This image gives you the most basic callout of the map. However, there are some callouts that don't show up there. To master some of the more detailed callouts check out our Split Callouts Guide.
If you want a more detailed guide on Split you can check our Split map Guide.
Ascent is one of the most popular maps in the pool right now. It's one of the most straightforward maps. It's considered a defensive side map, however, not as much as Split.
Ascent gimmicks are the two switch gates, one Is placed on the A bombsite, while the other is placed on Market. These gates can be closed and opened as many times as you want, and they can also be destroyed.
These are the most basic callouts of Ascent. To master some of the more detailed callouts check out our Ascent Callouts Guide.
If you want a more detailed guide on how to play Ascent you can check our VALORANT Ascent Map Guide.
Bind is one of the smallest maps on the pool. It's a very even side map where it will depend on your composition and play what side is more favorable.
Bind gimmicks are the two teleports that allow you to rotate from one side of the map to the other in a matter of milliseconds.
These are the most basic callouts on Bind. To master some of the more detailed callouts check out our Bind Callouts Guide.
If you want a more detailed guide on how to play Bind you can check our VALORANT Bind Map Guide.
Breeze is the biggest map in Valorant. The two bombsites are two of the biggest in the game, and its mid is by far the biggest mid of all the maps.
The map is considered an attacking side map. Because Breeze is so big it's hard to cover all the entrances, and if you are one player down while on defense your task gets really hard.
Breeze gimmick is the door on bombsite A that can be opened and closed, but contrary to the ones in Ascent this one cant be destroyed.
These are all the default and basic callouts on Breeze. However, this image doesn't show you some of the most used callouts in ranked. To master some of the more detailed callouts check out our Breeze Callouts Guide.
If you want a more detailed guide on how to play Breeze you can check our VALORANT Breeze Map Guide.
Icebox is considered the most attacking side map in the game. For quite some time a lot of players, casual and professional have been asking for a change in the map design.
Icebox gimmick is its ropes, just like Split.
These are all the default and basic callouts on Icebox. However, this image doesn't show you some of the most used callouts in ranked. If you want a more in-depth breakdown of all the callouts be sure to check out our Valorant Icebox Map Callouts Guide.
If you want to learn how to play Icebox check out our VALORANT Icebox Map Guide.
Fracture was the latest addition to the Valorant map pool. It's still a map a lot of pro teams are trying to perfect and new strategies are always coming up.
Some teams and players consider Fracture a very attacking map. However, others think the map leans more to the defensive side.
Its gimmick is the two attackers spawn, one on each side of the map.
These are all the default and basic callouts on Fracture. However, this image doesn't show you some of the most used callouts in ranked. For a more detailed breakdown of each and every callout that you’ll need for the map, you can check out our Valorant Fracture Map Callouts Guide.
If you want to learn how to play Fracture check out our VALORANT Map Guide Fracture.
Haven is the most unique map on Valorant. It's the only map where you have three bombsites, making it a very attacking side map. When you are one man down on the defensive side it´s very hard to keep control of all the map and its entrances.
The bombsites are very large, with both the A and B bombsites having multiple entrances. Haven gimmick it's the fact they have three bombsites.
These are the most simple callouts for Haven but to master the calls for all those tricky angles and corners, you can check out our Valorant Haven Map Callouts Guide.
If you want to learn how to play Haven check out our VALORANT Map Guide Haven.